Nexus Gold Corp. reported initial sampling results from the recently acquired, 100% -owned, 98-sq km Dakouli 2 Gold Project, located on the Boromo-Goren Greenstone Belt, central Burkina Faso, West Africa. Ground reconnaissance conducted recently by the Company to the west and south of the main orpaillage (artisanal zone) identified new near surface workings currently being exploited by artisanal miners. Rock samples collected from these new zones have returned assays up to 29.5 grams-per-tonne ("g/t") gold ("Au") with several containing various concentrations of visible gold, including coarse nuggety samples. A total of 12 samples were taken from the Northeast Zone. Six of the 12 returned significant grades, with values between 2.90 g/t Au and 29.5 g/t Au, including 27.5 g/t Au and 12.4 g/t Au from samples containing visible gold. The remaining six samples returned values from 0.005 to 0.192 g/t Au. Samples taken at the Northeast Zone were obtained between 8-18 meters below surface from artisanal shafts and pits. In addition to the higher-grade rock samples, Company geologists have viewed the panned concentrates of these near surface materials being processed by the artisanal miners and noted that the gold being recovered was also coarse and nuggety in nature. The Dakouli 2 exploration permit is located approximately 100 kilometers due north of the capital city Ouagadougou. The permit lies immediately south of and contiguous to the Niangouela concession, which has been explored by the Company over the past two years. Drilling at Niangouela has returned significant intercepts, including 26.69 g/t Au over 4.85m, including 132 g/t Au over 1m, and 4 g/t Au over 6m, including 20.5 g/t Au over 1m. The Dakouli 2 property is located on the Boromo-Goren Greenstone belt and i @ ' target='_blanks bordered to the north by granitic rocks. It is also bisected by the Sabce Shear a major structural fault zone proximal to multiple gold deposits, which trends southwest northeast and bisects the entire long axis of the property. The Sabce Nord trend starts east of the open pits at Nordgold's Bissa mine and continues through the new orpaillage located at the northeast corner of the Dakouli 2 permit, and the southeastern corner of the Niangouela permit. It proceeds to the Boken Vein Orpaillage on the western boundary of Dakouli 2 extending approximately 12 kilometers across the Dakouli 2 property. The Sabce Sud trend appears to span approximately four kilometers across the southern section of Dakouli 2, and includes the Black Vein Orpaillage, a series of deep shafts that trend sub parallel to the Sabce Sud trend. The Black Vein Orpaillage features abundant black quartz vein, similar to what is found at Nordgold's satellite pit located approximately 20km to the east.