Due to the special requirements of the gaming industry, historically most of the gaming machine manufacturers around the world had to develop their own logic box by adapting standard off the shelf motherboards.

Today this situation has changed; there is an alternative approach that has served many gaming companies well over the last few years since Quixant came to the market.

Quixant uniquely offers an alternative to manufacturers addressing their logic box requirements by "doing it themselves".

This approach, which is unique to Quixant, can offer gaming machine manufacturers a number of key benefits such as reduced overhead, faster time to market and a reduction in inventory levels.

Quixant's products offer tangible benefits.  Its products are optimised solutions solely for gaming applications and specifically "designed for purpose".  In the past logic boxes had to be designed around standard off the shelf motherboards, which are designed for a variety of different applications and requirements.  Manufacturers had limited options except to use these standard-type products but Quixant has introduced a viable alternative which has proven a very popular approach for manufacturers.

Why not come and see us at ICE London, Stand N1-420, to see how Quixant can reduce your time to market and put you ahead of the game.

For more information, please visit www.quixant.com or please contact Quixant sales team at sales@quixant.com .

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