NEW YORK, March 3 /PRNewswire/ -- On February 29, Aubrey Brown, CEO of NewMarket Latin America, Inc. (Pink Sheets: NLAI) ( updated the investment community in an all-new interview with Topics covered in the interview include an overview of the company and its growth strategy, recent press releases, market opportunity, and upcoming milestones for which investors should watch.

To hear the interview in its entirety, visit and click on "Interviews." The interview can be accessed either by locating the company's ticker symbol under the appropriate exchange at the top of the "Interviews" section of the site or by entering the company's ticker symbol in the Search Archive window.

Ask Aubrey Brown a question, post a comment on his personal page, and join his financial social network today at

About NewMarket Latin America, Inc.

NewMarket Latin America is a consolidated subsidiary of NewMarket Technology providing world class systems integration services through relationships with Hyperion, Oracle, SAP, SSA Global, Microsoft and many more. NewMarket Latin America has major customers in various sectors such as Oil and Gas, Consumer Products, Financial Services, and Pharmaceuticals Industries.

NewMarket Latin America delivers solutions to regional customers in addition to specializing in helping US clients expand their businesses and operations into one of the fastest growing economic regions in the world. NewMarket Latin America has offices and operations throughout Latin America.

NewMarket Latin America also identifies emerging technologies developed within the region and brings those latest technologies to market worldwide. These innovations help clients grow their businesses and gain a new competitive advantage.

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               NewLatin America Inc. Investor Relations

SOURCE WallStreet Direct, Inc.; NewMarket Latin America, Inc.