New Sparkle Roll International Group Limited announced the board of directors of the company (the board) passed written resolutions on 30 April 2024 to appoint new members to the committees of the Board, an authorized representative, an additional executive director and the chairman of the board (the 30 April 2024 Resolutions). Subsequent to the passing of the 30 April 2024 Resolutions, the Board further convened a meeting of the Board on 13 May 2024 (with joint and several liquidator of the company in attendance) and resolved to ratify and affirm the appointments made in the 30 April 2024 Resolutions (the 13 May 2024 Resolutions). Ratification of appointment of members of the Audit Committee: Following the removal of Directors at the Adjourned SGM, each of Mr. Choy Sze Chung, Jojo (Mr. Choy), Mr. Lam Kwok Cheong (Mr. Lam) and Mr. Gao Yu has ceased to be a member of the audit committee of the Company (the Audit Committee) with effect from the conclusion of the Adjourned SGM.

As a result, the Board has resolved on 30 April 2024 to appoint each of Mr. Chan Man Kit (Mr. Chan), Mr. You Yiyang (Mr. You) and Mr. Gao Yafei as the new members of the Audit Committee to fill the vacancies caused by the removal of Mr. Choy, Mr. Lam and Mr. Gao Yu with effect from even date. The board has also appointed Mr. Chan as the Chairman of the Audit Committee with effect from 30 April 2024. Their appointments have been further affirmed and ratified by the 13 May Resolutions.

Ratification of appointment of members of the Remuneration Committee: Following the removal of Directors at the Adjourned SGM, each of Mr. Lam, Mr. Choy and Mr. Zheng Hao Jiang (Mr. Zheng) has ceased to be a member of the remuneration committee of the Company (the Remuneration Committee) with effect from the conclusion of the Adjourned SGM. As a result, the Board has resolved on 30 April 2024 to appoint each of Mr. Li Baochun (Mr. Li), Mr. Chan and Mr. Gao Yafei as the new members of the Remuneration Committee to fill the vacancies caused by the removal of Mr. Lam, Mr. Choy and Mr. Zheng with effect from even date. The board has also appointed Mr. Li as the Chairman of the Remuneration Committee with effect from 30 April 2024.

Their appointments have been further affirmed and ratified by the 13 May Resolutions. Ratification of appointment of the members of the Nomination Committee: Following the removal of Directors at the Adjourned SGM, each of Ms. Liu Wenjing (Ms. Liu), Mr. Choy and Mr. Lam has ceased to be a member of the nomination committee of the Company (the Nomination Committee) with effect from the conclusion of the Adjourned SGM. As a result, the Board has resolved on 30 April 2024 to appoint each of Mr. Gao Yafei, Mr. Li and Mr. Qiu Peiyuan (Mr. Qiu) as the new members of the Nomination Committee to fill the vacancies caused by the removal of Ms. Liu, Mr. Choy and Mr. Lam with effect from even date.

The Board has also appointed Mr. Gao Yafei as the Chairman of the Nomination Committee with effect from 30 April 2024. Their appointments have been further affirmed and ratified by the 13 May Resolutions. As Mr. Zheng has ceased to be an authorized representative of the Company under Rule 3.05 of the Listing Rules (the Authorized Representative) following his removal as a Director at the Adjourned SGM, the Board has on 30 April 2024 appointed Mr. Qiu as the new Authorized Representative to fill the vacancy with effect from even date.

His appointment is further affirmed and ratified by the 13 May Resolutions. The board announced that Dr. Wang Bangyi (Dr. Wang) has been appointed as an executive Director of the Company with effect from 30 April 2024 by the 30 April 2024 Resolutions. His appointment has been further affirmed and ratified by the 13 May Resolutions.

Dr. Wang, aged 50, graduated with a PhD in economics from the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University in July 2005, a master's degree in economics from Xiamen University in June 2000, and a bachelor's degree in engineering from China Three Gorges University in July 1995. Dr. Wang has more than 20 years of related specialties and management experience. From March 2017 to July 2022, he served as an executive director, the chief executive officer (the CEO) and chairman of the investment decision committee at China Re Asset Management (Hong Kong) Company Limited.

From November 2004 to September 2008 and from June 2011 to August 2019, Dr. Wang served as an investment manager, department general manager, chief strategy officer and assistant general manager at China Re Asset Management Co. Ltd. From September 2008 to June 2011, he also served as the executive director of Investment Department of China Galaxy Financial Holdings Company Limited and a senior expert of Investment Management Center of Happy Life Insurance Co. Ltd. Dr. Wang was appointed as a non-executive director of Beijing Jingneng Clean Energy Co., Limited, from January 2019 to September 2022.

Dr. Wang was also appointed as a non-executive director of Huadian Fuxin Energy Corporation Limited, from June 2019 to October 2020. Dr. Wang was also appointed as a non- executive director of China Development Bank Financial Leasing Co. Ltd., from March 2020 to December 2021.

Dr. Wang is now serving as an executive director and the CEO of Pan Asia Data Holdings Co. Ltd. from December 2022. The board announced that Dr. Wang has also been appointed as the chairman of the board with effect from 30 April 2024 by the 30 April 2024 Resolutions.

His appointment has been further affirmed and ratified by the 13 May Resolutions.