Certain Ordinary Shares of New Media Lab Limited are subject to a Lock-Up Agreement Ending on 17-JUL-2024. These Ordinary Shares will be under lockup for 369 days starting from 14-JUL-2023 to 17-JUL-2024.

Each of our Controlling Shareholders has further undertaken to our Company and the Stock Exchange that during the First Six-Month Period and the Second Six-Month Period: (a) if he/she/it pledges or charges any securities of our Company beneficially owned by him/it in favor of an authorized institution, he/she/it shall immediately give written notice to our Company of such pledge or charge together with the number and class of securities so pledged or charged and the purpose for which the pledge or charge is made; and (b) when he/she/it is aware of or receives indications, either verbal or written, from the pledgee or charge that any of such pledged or charged securities or interests in the securities of our Company will be disposed of, he/she/it shall immediately thereafter give written notice to our Company of such indications.