New Horizon Aircraft announced that Phil Kelly has been appointed as Senior Vice President Business Development. Phil?s illustrious career in aerospace spans four decades, from his strike fighter experience in flying Sea Harrier FA2 and Harrier GR7/9A aircraft to his last role as Head Carrier Strike and Maritime Aviation in the Develop directorate of NCHQ, where he led aircraft development for the UK Royal Navy and Royal Marines. With twenty-five years?

experience of flying military aircraft, including the Harrier Jump Jet, with its unique vertical takeoff and landing capabilities, Phil brings invaluable first-hand operational insight to the Horizon Aircraft team. His familiarity and in-depth understanding of VTOL aircraft and the optimisation of new technologies, and the human factors that need to be considered, will greatly enhance Horizon Aircraft?s development process ahead of the launch of its Cavorite X7, a manned seven-seat capacity hybrid electric eVTOL, which includes room for a pilot and six passengers.