

(A joint stock company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability)

(Stock Code?1336)

List of Directors and their Role and Function 1. Executive Directors

KANG Dian Chairman of the board of directors
Chief Executive Officer

2. Non-Executive Directors

ZHAO Haiying MENG Xingguo LIU Xiangdong WANG Chengran CHEN Johnny ZHAO John Huan

3. Independent Non-Executive Directors

CAMPBELL Robert David
CHEN Xianping WANG Yuzhong ZHANG Hongxin ZHAO Hua
FONG Chung Mark

4. Board Committees

Four committees are established under the board of directors, the compositions of which are as follows:
The Strategy and Investment Committee (six members): KANG Dian (chairman of the committee), ZHAO Haiying, MENG Xingguo, WANG Chengran , ZHAO John Huan and CAMPBELL Robert David
The Audit Committee (seven memebers)?CAMPBELL Robert David (chairman of the committee), LIU Xiangdong, CHEN Johnny, ZHANG Hongxin, CHEN Xianping, WANG Yuhong, and FONG Chung Mark
The Nomination and Remuneration Committee (seven members) ? ZHAO Hua (chairman of the committee), ZHAO Haiying, WANG Chengran, CHEN Johnny, CAMPBELL Robert David, CHEN Xianping, and WANG Yuzhong
The Risk Management Committee (four members)?MENG Xingguo (chairman of the committee), CHEN Johnny, CHEN Xianping, and ZHANG Hongxin
Beijing, China, 3 January 2014

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