NETSCOUT SYSTEMS, INC. announced that it is supporting Southern Linc – an integrated digital wireless service provider specifically created to work with Southern Company's energy/power subsidiaries – in providing end-to-end service assurance visibility for their private 4G LTE network. Working with NETSCOUT®, Southern Linc can provide its power grid customers with a mission-critical, continuously available, secure environment. NETSCOUT worked with Southern Linc to install nGeniusONE, nGenius Session Analyzer, Packet Flow Switches, and high-capacity InfiniStreamNG probes in two data centers to help accelerate root cause identification and streamline workflows to provide network operations with a consistent and secure end-user experience.

Southern Linc's private 4G LTE network gives customers access to their Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) IoT devices in the field to provide information on grid performance and can be used to avoid or quickly resolve power outages.