Nestlé announced on Thursday that its teams had developed an edible fork, made from vegetable ingredients, for its instant noodles marketed in India under the Maggi brand.

The Swiss food giant says that the utensil, devised in collaboration with a local startup, is made up of two fold-out parts and prepared from wheat flour and salt, making it resemble a salted cookie or 'cracker'.

This proprietary process, available for the moment in a limited edition, perfectly matches the taste of the noodles, says the group in a press release.

Nestlé explains that it is currently reviewing the design of its straws, cups and cutlery with the aim of eliminating or reducing the use of plastic in its packaging.

In addition to simplifying packaging materials, the company says it favors the use of reusable and refillable systems wherever possible.

By 2021, Nestlé had already replaced some 4.5 billion plastic straws with paper ones.

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