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National Grid, STEM, FIRST - Recipe for Future Energy Leaders National Grid, STEM, FIRST - Recipe for Future Energy LeadersWALTHAM, MASS., January 20, 2015 - National Grid announced last Friday that it is joining with 10 other utility companies to sponsor FIRST® Robotics competitions and the FIRST®Tech Challenge during 2015. The new "Get Into Energy, Get Into STEM" initiative will be managed by the Center for Energy Workforce Development (CEWD). "We are very excited about this partnership," said Cheri Warren, Senior Vice President of Network Strategy, National Grid. "This gives us the opportunity to really extend our STEM efforts and work with students to keep them engaged and excited about science and technology." The FIRST sponsorship will provide funding at the national, regional, and local levels for onsite robot doctors and charging stations during the 2015 national and super regional competitions and will cover registration fees for more than 180 new FirstTech teams. CEWD's sponsorship of FIRST also includes local community support through FIRST Tech team grants. The energy sector's support of FIRST demonstrates its strong commitment to encouraging more students to participate in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education, while inspiring them toward exciting energy careers that utilize their highly developed skills and education. Warren added that National Grid is optimistic that FIRST participants will be tomorrow's energy leaders. About National GridNational Grid (LSE: NG; NYSE: NGG) is an electricity and natural gas delivery company that connects nearly 7 million customers to vital energy sources through its networks in New York, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. It is the largest distributor of natural gas in the Northeast. National Grid also operates the systems that deliver gas and electricity across Great Britain. Through its U.S. Connect21 strategy, National Grid is transforming its electricity and natural gas networks to support the 21st century digital economy with smarter, cleaner, and more resilient energy solutions. Connect21 is vital to our communities' long-term economic and environmental health and aligns with regulatory initiatives in New York (REV: Reforming the Energy Vision) and Massachusetts (Grid Modernization). For more information please visit our website, or our Connecting website, follow us on Twitter, watch us on YouTube, find our photos on Instagram
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