Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of
Operations contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private
Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements are based upon
management's current expectations and are subject to various uncertainties and
changes in circumstances. Important factors that could cause actual results to
differ materially from those described in these forward-looking statements are
set forth below under the heading "Forward-Looking Statements."

Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of
Operations include NACCO Industries, Inc.® ("NACCO") and its wholly owned
subsidiaries (collectively, the "Company"). NACCO brings natural resources to
life by delivering aggregates, minerals, reliable fuels and environmental
solutions through its robust portfolio of NACCO Natural Resources businesses.
The Company operates under three business segments: Coal Mining, North American
Mining ("NAMining") and Minerals Management. The Coal Mining segment operates
surface coal mines for power generation companies. The NAMining segment is a
trusted mining partner for producers of aggregates, activated carbon, lithium
and other industrial minerals. The Minerals Management segment, which includes
the Catapult Mineral Partners ("Catapult") business, acquires and promotes the
development of mineral interests. Mitigation Resources of North America®
("Mitigation Resources") provides stream and wetland mitigation solutions.

The Company has items not directly attributable to a reportable segment that are
not included as part of the measurement of segment operating profit, which
primarily includes administrative costs related to public company reporting
requirements at the parent company and the financial results of Mitigation
Resources and Bellaire Corporation ("Bellaire"). Bellaire manages the Company's
long-term liabilities related to former Eastern U.S. underground mining

All financial statement line items below operating profit (other income, including interest expense and interest income, the provision for income taxes and net income) are presented and discussed within this Form 10-Q on a consolidated basis.

The Company's operating segments are further described below:

Coal Mining Segment
The Coal Mining segment, operating as The North American Coal Corporation®
("NACoal"), operates surface coal mines under long-term contracts with power
generation companies pursuant to a service-based business model. Coal is surface
mined in North Dakota, Texas and Mississippi. Each mine is fully integrated with
its customer's operations.

During the three months ended March 31, 2023, the Coal Mining segment's operating coal mines were: The Coteau Properties Company ("Coteau"), Coyote Creek Mining Company, LLC ("Coyote Creek"), The Falkirk Mining Company ("Falkirk"), Mississippi Lignite Mining Company ("MLMC") and The Sabine Mining Company ("Sabine").

Sabine operates the Sabine Mine in Texas. All production from Sabine is
delivered to Southwestern Electric Power Company's ("SWEPCO") Henry W. Pirkey
Plant (the "Pirkey Plant"). SWEPCO is an American Electric Power ("AEP")
company. As a result of the early retirement of the Pirkey Plant, Sabine ceased
deliveries in March 2023 and final reclamation began on April 1, 2023. Funding
for mine reclamation is the responsibility of SWEPCO, and Sabine will receive
compensation for providing mine reclamation services.

MLMC is the exclusive supplier of lignite to the Red Hills Power Plant in
Ackerman, Mississippi. Choctaw Generation Limited Partnership ("CGLP") leases
the Red Hills Power Plant from a Southern Company subsidiary pursuant to a
leveraged lease arrangement. CGLP's ability to make required payments to the
Southern Company subsidiary is dependent on the operational performance of the
Red Hills Power Plant. During 2022, Southern Company disclosed that it provided
notice to the lessee, CGLP, to terminate the related operating and maintenance
agreement effective June 30, 2023. Subsequently, CGLP failed to make the
semi-annual lease payment due in December 2022 and as a result, the Southern
Company subsidiary was unable to make its corresponding payment to the
debtholders. The parties to the lease have entered into a forbearance agreement
which suspends the related contractual rights of the parties while they continue
restructuring negotiations, which could result in rescission of the termination
notice. The ultimate outcome of this matter cannot be determined at this time
but could have a material impact on the Company's financial statements if the
operating and maintenance agreement is terminated.

At all operating coal mines other than MLMC, the Company is paid a management
fee per ton of coal or heating unit (MMBtu) delivered. Each contract specifies
the indices and mechanics by which fees change over time, generally in line with
broad measures of U.S. inflation. The customers are responsible for funding all
mine operating costs, including final mine


Table of Contents

reclamation, and directly or indirectly provide all of the capital required to
build and operate the mine. This contract structure eliminates exposure to spot
coal market price fluctuations while providing income and cash flow with minimal
capital investment. Other than at Coyote Creek, debt financing provided by or
supported by the customers is without recourse to NACCO and NACoal. See Note 6
for further discussion of Coyote Creek's guarantees.

All operating coal mines other than MLMC meet the definition of a variable
interest entity ("VIE"). In each case, NACCO is not the primary beneficiary of
the VIE as it does not exercise financial control; therefore, NACCO does not
consolidate the results of these operations within its financial statements.
Instead, these contracts are accounted for as equity method investments. The
income before income taxes associated with these VIEs is reported as Earnings of
unconsolidated operations on the Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statements of
Operations and the Company's investment is reported on the line Investments in
unconsolidated subsidiaries in the Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Balance
Sheets. The mines that meet the definition of a VIE are referred to collectively
as the "Unconsolidated Subsidiaries." For tax purposes, the Unconsolidated
Subsidiaries are included within the NACCO consolidated U.S. tax return;
therefore, the Income tax (benefit) provision line on the Unaudited Condensed
Consolidated Statements of Operations includes income taxes related to these
entities. See Note 6 for further information on the Unconsolidated Subsidiaries.

The Company performs contemporaneous reclamation activities at each mine in the
normal course of operations. Under all of the Unconsolidated Subsidiaries'
contracts, the customer has the obligation to fund final mine reclamation
activities. Under certain contracts, the Unconsolidated Subsidiary holds the
mine permit and is therefore responsible for final mine reclamation activities.
To the extent the Unconsolidated Subsidiary performs such final reclamation, it
is compensated for providing those services in addition to receiving
reimbursement from customers for costs incurred.

The MLMC contract is the only operating coal contract in which the Company is
responsible for all operating costs, capital requirements and final mine
reclamation; therefore, MLMC is consolidated within NACCO's financial
statements. MLMC sells coal to its customer at a contractually agreed-upon price
which adjusts monthly, primarily based on changes in the level of established
indices which reflect general U.S. inflation rates. Profitability at MLMC is
affected by customer demand for coal and changes in the indices that determine
sales price and actual costs incurred. As diesel fuel is heavily weighted among
the indices used to determine the coal sales price, fluctuations in diesel fuel
prices can result in significant fluctuations in earnings at MLMC.

See page 18 for information on the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act.

NAMining Segment
The NAMining segment provides value-added contract mining and other services for
producers of industrial minerals. The segment is a platform for the Company's
growth and diversification of mining activities outside of the thermal coal
industry. NAMining provides contract mining services for independently owned
mines and quarries, creating value for its customers by performing the mining
aspects of its customers' operations. This allows customers to focus on their
areas of expertise: materials handling and processing, product sales and
distribution. As of March 31, 2023, NAMining operates mines in Florida, Texas,
Arkansas, Indiana, Virginia and Nebraska and will serve as exclusive contract
miner for the Thacker Pass lithium project in northern Nevada.

Certain of the entities within the NAMining segment are VIEs and are accounted for under the equity method as Unconsolidated Subsidiaries. See Note 6 for further discussion.

Minerals Management Segment
The Minerals Management segment derives income primarily by leasing its royalty
and mineral interests to third-party exploration and production companies, and,
to a lesser extent, other mining companies, granting them the rights to explore,
develop, mine, produce, market and sell gas, oil, and coal in exchange for
royalty payments based on the lessees' sales of those minerals.

The Minerals Management segment owns royalty interests, mineral interests, non-participating royalty interests and overriding royalty interests.

•Royalty Interest. Royalty interests generally result when the owner of a
mineral interest leases the underlying minerals to an exploration and production
company pursuant to an oil and gas lease. Typically, the resulting royalty
interest is a cost-free percentage of production revenues for minerals extracted
from the acreage. A holder of royalty interests is generally not responsible for
capital expenditures or lease operating expenses, but royalty interests may be
calculated net of post-production expenses, and typically has no environmental
liability. Royalty interests leased to producers expire upon the expiration of
the oil and gas lease and revert to the mineral owner.


Table of Contents

•Mineral Interest. Mineral interests are perpetual rights of the owner to
explore, develop, exploit, mine and/or produce any or all of the minerals lying
below the surface of the property. The holder of a mineral interest has the
right to lease the minerals to an exploration and production company. Upon the
execution of an oil and gas lease, the lessee (the exploration and production
company) becomes the working interest owner and the lessor (the mineral interest
owner) has a royalty interest.

•Non-Participating Royalty Interest ("NPRIs"). NPRI is an interest in oil and
gas production which is created from the mineral estate. The NPRI is
expense-free, bearing no operational costs of production. The term
"non-participating" indicates that the interest owner does not share in the
bonus, rentals from a lease, nor the right to participate in the execution of
oil and gas leases. The NPRI owner does, however, typically receive royalty

•Overriding Royalty Interest ("ORRIs"). ORRIs are created by carving out the
right to receive royalties from a working interest. Like royalty interests,
ORRIs do not confer an obligation to make capital expenditures or pay for lease
operating expenses and have limited environmental liability; however, ORRIs may
be calculated net of post-production expenses, depending on how the ORRI is
structured. ORRIs that are carved out of working interests are linked to the
same underlying oil and gas lease that created the working interest, and
therefore, such ORRIs are typically subject to expiration upon the expiration or
termination of the oil and gas lease.

The Company may own more than one type of mineral and royalty interest in the
same tract of land. For example, where the Company owns an ORRI in a lease on
the same tract of land in which it owns a mineral interest, the ORRI in that
tract will relate to the same gross acres as the mineral interest in that tract.

The Minerals Management segment will benefit from the continued development of
its mineral properties without the need for investment of additional capital
once mineral and royalty interests have been acquired. The Minerals Management
segment does not currently have any material investments under which it would be
required to bear the cost of exploration, production or development.

The Company also manages legacy royalty and mineral interests located in Ohio
(Utica and Marcellus shale natural gas), Louisiana (Haynesville shale and Cotton
Valley formation natural gas), Texas (Cotton Valley and Austin Chalk formation
natural gas), Mississippi (coal), Pennsylvania (coal, coalbed methane and
Marcellus shale natural gas), Alabama (coal, coalbed methane and natural gas)
and North Dakota (coal, oil and natural gas). The majority of the Company's
legacy reserves were acquired as part of its historical coal mining operations.


The RCRA affects coal mining operations by establishing requirements for the
treatment, storage and disposal of wastes, including hazardous wastes. Coal mine
wastes, such as overburden and coal cleaning wastes, currently are exempted from
hazardous waste management. In 2014, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(the "EPA") finalized a rule specifying management standards for coal combustion
residuals or coal ash ("CCRs") as a non-hazardous waste. In 2018, the EPA
finalized revisions to the 2014 regulations in response to litigation of the
2014 rule. One revision allows a state director (in a state with an approved CCR
permit program) or the EPA (where EPA is the permitting authority) to suspend
groundwater monitoring requirements if there is evidence that there is no
potential for migration of hazardous constituents to the uppermost aquifer
during the active life of the unit and post closure care. The second revision
allows issuance of technical certifications in lieu of a professional engineer.
In addition, the EPA revised the groundwater protection standards and extended
the deadline for some facilities that must close CCR units. In 2020, the EPA
finalized additional changes to the CCR rule that classified all clay-lined
surface impoundments that receive CCR as unlined, which triggered a pond closure
date of April 2021 for impoundments that failed the aquifer location
restriction. The EPA also established alternative deadlines to cease receipt of
waste to include new site-specific alternatives due to lack of capacity with a
deadline to initiate closure no later than October 15, 2023 and a new
site-specific alternative due to permanent cessation of coal-fired boilers with
two deadlines to complete closure: (a) no later than October 17, 2023 for
surface impoundments 40 acres or smaller; and (b) October 17, 2028 for surface
impoundments larger than 40 acres. Additionally, the CCR Part B Final Rule
allowed facilities to demonstrate that there is no reasonable probability of
adverse effects to human health and the environment at non-conforming units.
These new rules may raise the cost for CCR disposal at coal-fired power plants,
making them less competitive, and/or result in early closure which could have an
adverse impact on demand for coal and ultimately result in the early closure of
the mines servicing these plants, including closure of the Company's mines.



Table of Contents

In compliance with the regulations, the owner of the Coal Creek Station power
plant, Falkirk's customer, submitted a Part B application to the EPA in 2020
asserting a unit complied with the CCR rules. In the first quarter of 2023, the
EPA proposed to deny the owner's application. The owner and other parties have
submitted additional information and comments supporting the owner's position
and, as of May 2, 2023, the EPA has not taken further action. If EPA ultimately
denies the owner's application, a new liner may need to be installed or new
waste management processes and/or units may need to be constructed. Accordingly,
it is possible that a denial by the EPA could require a temporary unit shut
down. Any temporary unit shut down could result in a temporary suspension of
operations at Coal Creek Station. Falkirk is the sole supplier of lignite to
Coal Creek Station. Any suspension of operations at Coal Creek Station would
eliminate the need for lignite coal during the suspension period. Any such
suspension of operations at Coal Creek Station or any of the power plants
supplied by the Company's mines could have a material adverse effect on the
Company's business, financial condition and results of operations.

The EPA rule exempts CCRs beneficially used at mine sites and reserves any
regulation thereof to the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement
("OSMRE"). The OSMRE suspended all rulemaking actions on CCRs, but could
re-initiate them in the future. The outcome of these rulemakings, and any
subsequent actions by the EPA and OSMRE, could impact those Company operations
that beneficially use CCRs. If the Company were unable to beneficially use CCRs,
its revenues for handling CCRs from its customers may decrease and its costs may
increase due to the purchase of alternative materials for beneficial uses.


Refer to the discussion of the Company's Critical Accounting Policies and
Estimates as disclosed on pages 52 through 54 in the Company's Annual Report on
Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2022. The Company's Critical
Accounting Policies and Estimates have not materially changed since December 31,



Table of Contents


The results of operations for NACCO were as follows for the three months ended
March 31:

                                                              THREE MONTHS
                                                          2023            2022
          Coal Mining                                  $ 20,653        $ 20,962
          NAMining                                       20,633          21,404
          Minerals Management                             8,285          12,754
          Unallocated Items                               1,191             192
          Eliminations                                     (621)           (289)

        Total revenue                                  $ 50,141        $


Operating profit (loss):

          Coal Mining                                  $    313        $  7,352
          NAMining                                          830           1,271
          Minerals Management                             6,044          11,628
          Unallocated Items                              (5,353)         (5,439)
          Eliminations                                      (20)            132

        Total operating profit                            1,814         

          Interest expense                                  545             513
          Interest income                                (1,155)           (145)
          Closed mine obligations                           409             380
          Gain on equity securities                        (628)           (518)

          Other, net                                     (1,725)           (230)
        Other (income) expense, net                      (2,554)            


Income before income tax (benefit) provision 4,368 14,944

        Income tax (benefit) provision                   (1,324)         


        Net income                                     $  5,692        $


        Effective income tax rate                         (30.3) %         15.8  %

The components of the change in revenues and operating profit are discussed below in "Segment Results."

First Quarter of 2023 Compared with First Quarter of 2022

Other (income) expense, net

Interest income increased $1.0 million primarily due to a higher average invested cash balance during 2023 compared with 2022 as well as an increase in interest rates.

Gain on equity securities represents changes in the market price of invested
assets reported at fair value. The change in the first three months of 2023
compared with the 2022 period was due to fluctuations in the market prices of
the exchange-traded equity securities. See Note 5 to the Unaudited Condensed
Consolidated Financial Statements for further discussion of equity securities.

On December 1, 2022, the Company transferred its ownership interest in Midwest
AgEnergy, LLC ("MAG") to HLCP Ethanol Holdco, LLC ("HLCP"). The Company received
a payment of $1.2 million in the first quarter of 2023 in connection with a
post-closing purchase price adjustment, which is included on the line "Other,
net" within the accompanying Unaudited Consolidated Statements of Operations.
See Note 1 to the Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial Statement for
further discussion of MAG.



Table of Contents

Income Taxes

The Company evaluates and updates its estimated annual effective income tax rate
on a quarterly basis based on current and forecasted operating results and tax
laws. Consequently, based upon the mix and timing of actual earnings compared to
projections of earnings between entities that benefit from percentage depletion
and those that do not, the effective tax rate may vary quarterly. The benefit of
percentage depletion is not directly related to the amount of consolidated
pre-tax income recorded in a period. Accordingly, as a result of the significant
reduction in 2023 forecasted income before income tax compared with 2022, the
proportional effect of the benefit from percentage depletion on the effective
income tax rate results in a negative forecasted effective tax rate for 2023.
Changes in the estimated annual effective tax rate result in a cumulative


Cash Flows

The following tables detail NACCO's changes in cash flow for the three months
ended March 31:

                                                                2023               2022              Change
Operating activities:

Net cash provided by (used for) operating activities $ 6,254

$ (1,070) $ 7,324

Investing activities: Expenditures for property, plant and equipment and acquisition of mineral interests

                               (7,879)            (4,649)            (3,230)
Other                                                           1,415                120              1,295
Net cash used for investing activities                         (6,464)            (4,529)            (1,935)
Cash flow before financing activities                       $    (210)

$ (5,599) $ 5,389

The $7.3 million change in net cash provided by (used for) operating activities
was primarily due to a net favorable change in working capital, partially offset
by a decrease in net income.

                                                               2023                2022              Change
Financing activities:
Net borrowings to long-term debt and revolving credit
agreement                                                  $      656          $   2,659          $  (2,003)
Cash dividends paid                                            (1,557)            (1,445)              (112)

Net cash (used for) provided by financing activities $ (901)

$ 1,214 $ (2,115)

The change in net cash (used for) provided by financing activities was primarily
due to fewer borrowings under the Company's revolving line of credit during the
first three months of 2023 compared with the first three months of 2022.

Financing Activities

Financing arrangements are obtained and maintained at the NACoal level. NACoal
has a secured revolving line of credit of up to $150.0 million (the "NACoal
Facility") that expires in November 2025. There were no borrowings outstanding
under the NACoal Facility at March 31, 2023. At March 31, 2023, the excess
availability under the NACoal Facility was $117.0 million, which reflects a
reduction for outstanding letters of credit of $33.0 million.

NACCO has not guaranteed any borrowings of NACoal. The borrowing agreements at
NACoal allow for the payment to NACCO of dividends and advances under certain
circumstances. Dividends (to the extent permitted by NACoal's borrowing
agreement) and management fees are the primary sources of cash for NACCO and
enable the Company to pay dividends to stockholders.

The NACoal Facility has performance-based pricing, which sets interest rates
based upon NACoal achieving various levels of debt to EBITDA ratios, as defined
in the NACoal Facility. Borrowings bear interest at a floating rate plus a
margin based on the level of debt to EBITDA ratio achieved. The applicable
margins, effective March 31, 2023, for base rate and LIBOR loans were 1.23% and
2.23%, respectively. The NACoal Facility has a commitment fee which is based
upon achieving various levels of debt to EBITDA ratios. The commitment fee was
0.34% on the unused commitment at March 31, 2023.



Table of Contents

The NACoal Facility contains restrictive covenants, which require, among other
things, NACoal to maintain a maximum net debt to EBITDA ratio of 2.75 to 1.00
and an interest coverage ratio of not less than 4.00 to 1.00. The NACoal
Facility provides the ability to make loans, dividends and advances to NACCO,
with some restrictions based on maintaining a maximum debt to
EBITDA ratio of 1.50 to 1.00, or if greater than 1.50 to 1.00, a Fixed Charge
Coverage Ratio of 1.10 to 1.00, in conjunction with maintaining unused
availability thresholds of borrowing capacity, as defined in the NACoal
Facility, of $15.0 million. At March 31, 2023, NACoal was in compliance with all
financial covenants in the NACoal Facility.

The obligations under the NACoal Facility are guaranteed by certain of NACoal's
direct and indirect, existing and future
domestic subsidiaries, and is secured by certain assets of NACoal and the
guarantors, subject to customary exceptions and

The Company believes funds available from cash on hand, the NACoal Facility and
operating cash flows will provide sufficient liquidity to meet its operating
needs and commitments arising during the next twelve months and until the
expiration of the NACoal Facility in November 2025.

Expenditures for property, plant and equipment and mineral interests

Expenditures for property, plant and equipment and mineral interests were $7.9
million during the first three months of 2023. Planned expenditures for the
remainder of 2023 are expected to be approximately $32 million in the NAMining
segment, $21 million in the Minerals Management segment, $10 million in the Coal
Mining segment and $1 million at Mitigation Resources.

In the NAMining segment, 2023 capital expenditures are primarily related to the
acquisition of equipment to be used at the
Thacker Pass lithium project. Sawtooth is the contract miner for the Thacker
Pass project. Under the terms of the contract
mining agreement, the customer will reimburse Sawtooth for these capital
expenditures over a five-year period from the
equipment acquisition date.

Expenditures are expected to be funded from internally generated funds and/or bank borrowings.

Capital Structure

NACCO's consolidated capital structure is presented below:

                                    MARCH 31        DECEMBER 31
                                      2023              2022            Change
Cash and cash equivalents          $ 109,637       $    110,748       $ (1,111)
Other net tangible assets            336,347            329,045          7,302
Intangible assets, net                27,328             28,055           (727)
Net assets                           473,312            467,848          5,464
Total debt                           (20,377)           (19,668)          (709)
Bellaire closed mine obligations     (21,249)           (21,214)           (35)
Total equity                       $ 431,686       $    426,966       $  4,720
Debt to total capitalization           5%                4%               1%

The increase in other net tangible assets at March 31, 2023 compared with
December 31, 2022 was mainly the result of an increase in Prepaid insurance due
to timing and a decrease in Accrued payroll for payments made during the first
quarter of 2023 under the Company's incentive compensation plans. These
increases were partially offset by a decrease in Trade accounts receivable due
to lower revenue in the first quarter of 2023 compared with the fourth quarter
of 2022.

Contractual Obligations, Contingent Liabilities and Commitments

Since December 31, 2022, there have been no significant changes in the total
amount of NACCO's contractual obligations, contingent liabilities or commercial
commitments, or the timing of cash flows in accordance with those obligations as
reported on page 58 in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year
ended December 31, 2022. See Note 6 to the Unaudited Condensed Consolidated
Financial Statements for a discussion of certain guarantees related to Coyote



  Table of Contents

                                SEGMENT RESULTS



Tons of coal delivered by the Coal Mining segment were as follows for the three
months ended March 31:

                                                     THREE MONTHS
                                                2023               2022
                 Unconsolidated operations    6,192               6,317
                 Consolidated operations        711                 732
                 Total tons delivered         6,903               7,049

The results of operations for the Coal Mining segment were as follows for the three months ended March 31:

                                                              THREE MONTHS
                                                           2023           2022
         Revenues                                       $ 20,653       $ 20,962
         Cost of sales                                    25,878         18,850
         Gross (loss) profit                              (5,225)         


Earnings of unconsolidated operations(a) 12,466 13,326

Selling, general and administrative expenses 6,437 7,239

         Amortization of intangible assets                   727            847
         Gain on sale of assets                             (236)             -
         Operating profit                               $    313       $  7,352

(a) See Note 6 to the Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for
a discussion of the Company's unconsolidated subsidiaries, including summarized
financial information.

Revenues in the first quarter of 2023 were comparable to the first quarter of 2022.

The following table identifies the components of change in operating profit for the first quarter of 2023 compared with the first quarter of 2022:



      2022                                                  $           


Increase (decrease) from:

      Gross profit, excluding inventory impairment charge              


      Inventory impairment charge                                      


      Earnings of unconsolidated operations                              


      Selling, general and administrative expenses                        802
      Gain on sale of assets                                              236
      Amortization of intangibles                                         120
      2023                                                  $             313

Operating profit decreased $7.0 million in the first quarter of 2023 compared
with the first quarter of 2022 due to a decrease in gross profit and a decrease
in the earnings of unconsolidated operations, partially offset by lower selling,
general and administrative expenses.

The decrease in gross profit was primarily due to an increase in the cost per
ton delivered at MLMC as well as a $2.4 million inventory impairment charge. All
production costs are capitalized into inventory at MLMC. The increase in cost
per ton delivered at MLMC is due to costs associated with establishing
operations in a new mine area and a reduction in the number of tons severed. The
reduction in severed tons was due to adverse mining conditions caused by the
amount of rain during the first quarter of 2023, as well as operational
inefficiencies related to final mining activities at the existing mine area.
Fewer tons


Table of Contents

severed caused a decrease in tons held in inventory since more tons were sold
than produced during the first quarter of 2023, which resulted in an increase in
the cost per ton and an inventory impairment charge to write down coal inventory
to its net realizable value.

The decrease in earnings of unconsolidated operations was primarily due to a
reduction in the per ton management fee at Falkirk effective May 2022 through
May 2024 to support the transition of the Coal Creek Station Power Plant to
Rainbow Energy. This decrease in earnings of unconsolidated operations was
partly offset by improved results at Coteau and at Sabine.

The decrease in selling, general and administrative expenses was primarily due to lower professional service expenses.



Tons delivered by the NAMining segment were as follows for the three months
ended March 31:

                                 THREE MONTHS
                           2023                 2022

Total tons delivered     14,829                13,962

The results of operations for the NAMining segment were as follows for the three
months ended March 31:

                                                              THREE MONTHS
                                                           2023           2022
         Total revenues                                 $ 20,633       $ 21,404

         Reimbursable costs                               12,092        


         Revenues excluding reimbursable costs          $  8,541       $  9,388

         Total revenues                                 $ 20,633       $ 21,404
         Cost of sales                                    19,241         19,650
         Gross profit                                      1,392          1,754

Earnings of unconsolidated operations(a) 1,358 1,266

Selling, general and administrative expenses 1,920 1,754

         Gain on sale of assets                                -             (5)
         Operating profit                               $    830       $  1,271

(a) See Note 6 to the Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for
a discussion of the Company's unconsolidated subsidiaries, including summarized
financial information.

Total revenues decreased 3.6% in the first quarter of 2023 compared with the
first quarter of 2022 primarily due to a reduction in revenue as final mine
reclamation activities at Caddo Creek were substantially completed in 2022. This
decrease was partially offset by a modest increase in customer requirements.

The following table identifies the components of change in operating profit for the first quarter of 2023 compared with the first quarter of 2022:

                                                         Operating Profit
         2022                                           $           1,271
         Increase (decrease) from:
         Gross profit                                                (362)
         Selling, general and administrative expenses                (166)
         Gain on sale of assets                                        (5)
         Earnings of unconsolidated operations                         92
         2023                                           $             830



Table of Contents

Operating profit decreased $0.4 million in the first quarter of 2023 compared
with the first quarter of 2022 primarily due to a decrease in gross profit and
an increase in selling, general and administrative expenses. The decrease in
gross profit was due to a reduction in earnings at Caddo Creek as final mine
reclamation activities were substantially completed in 2022, partially offset by
higher earnings at the consolidated quarries. The increase in selling, general
and administrative expenses was mainly due to higher costs at Sawtooth Mining
for the Thacker Pass lithium project.



The results of operations for the Minerals Management segment were as follows for the three months ended March 31:

                                                               THREE MONTHS
                                                           2023           2022
          Revenues                                       $ 8,285       $ 12,754
          Cost of sales                                    1,052            748
          Gross profit                                     7,233         12,006
          Selling, general and administrative expenses     1,189            509
          Gain on sale of assets                               -           (131)

          Operating profit                               $ 6,044       $ 11,628

During the first quarter of 2023, the oil and natural gas industry experienced a
decline in commodity prices compared with the first quarter of 2022. Oil and
natural gas prices have been historically volatile and may continue to be
volatile in the future. The table below demonstrates such volatility with the
average price as reported by the United States Energy Information Administration
for the three months ended March 31:




West Texas Intermediate Average Crude Oil Price $ 76.08 $ 94.45

         Henry Hub Average Natural Gas Price               $  2.65       $  


Revenues and operating profit decreased significantly in the first quarter of
2023 compared with the first quarter of 2022, primarily due to substantially
lower natural gas and oil prices and a reduction in volumes as existing wells
followed their natural production decline. In addition, the first quarter of
2022 included $2.1 million of settlement income. An increase in selling, general
and administrative expenses, mainly due to higher employee-related costs, also
contributed to the decrease in operating profit.



Unallocated Items and Eliminations were as follows for the three months ended
March 31:

                                               THREE MONTHS
                                            2023           2022
                        Operating loss   $ (5,373)      $ (5,307)

The operating loss in the the first quarter of 2023 was comparable to the first quarter of 2022.

NACCO Industries, Inc. Outlook

Coal Mining Outlook

In 2023, the Company expects coal deliveries to decrease moderately from 2022 levels. The owner of the power plant served by the Company's Sabine Mine in Texas retired the Pirkey power plant in March 2023, and as a result Sabine ceased deliveries in March 2023. The cessation of these deliveries is the primary driver for the year-over-year decline.



Table of Contents

Coal Mining operating profit and Segment Adjusted EBITDA for the 2023 full year
are expected to decrease significantly year-over-year, including and excluding
the $14.0 million termination payment received from Falkirk's former customer,
Great River Energy, in 2022. The decline is primarily the result of an expected
significant reduction in earnings at the consolidated operations and an
anticipated moderate decrease in earnings of unconsolidated operations.

Results at the consolidated mining operations are projected to decrease
significantly in 2023 versus 2022. The decrease is mainly due to an expected
substantial decline in earnings at MLMC from increased costs associated with
establishing operations in a new mine area, as well as higher depreciation
expense related to recent capital expenditures to develop this new mine area.
The anticipated ongoing inefficiencies of this project are expected to continue
through the third quarter of 2023, and then moderate in the fourth quarter of
2023 and into 2024. MLMC does not anticipate opening additional mine areas
through the remaining contract term. As a result, mine development capital
expenditures should moderate from 2024 through 2032. While increased
depreciation from capital expenditures related to the new mine area will affect
future results, the Company anticipates MLMC should contribute favorably to
Segment Adjusted EBITDA in future years. In 2023, capital expenditures are
expected to be approximately $12 million, primarily for mine development and
equipment replacement.

The anticipated lower earnings at the unconsolidated coal mining operations is
expected to be driven primarily by temporary price concessions at Falkirk
through May 2024. This will result in a reduction in the per ton management fee
for 12 months in 2023 compared with eight months in 2022. The early retirement
of the Pirkey power plant and commencement of final reclamation of the Sabine
Mine started on April 1, 2023 will also contribute to the reduction in earnings.
Sabine will receive compensation for providing final mine reclamation services,
but at a lower rate than during active mining. Funding for Sabine's mine
reclamation is the responsibility of the customer.

The Company's contract structure at each of its coal mining operations
eliminates exposure to spot coal market price fluctuations. However,
fluctuations in natural gas prices and the availability of renewable power
generation, particularly wind, can contribute to changes in power plant dispatch
and customer demand for coal. Changes to customer power plant dispatch would
affect the Company's outlook for 2023, as well as over the longer term.

NAMining Outlook

Despite an expected continuation of improved results at the aggregates
operations for the remaining quarters of 2023, operating profit at NAMining is
expected to decrease moderately in full-year 2023 compared with 2022. The
decrease is due to the substantial completion of income-generating mine
reclamation activities at Caddo Creek in mid-2022. Segment Adjusted EBITDA is
expected to improve over 2022 because of a significant increase in depreciation
expense. The increased depreciation expense is driven by elevated historical
capital expenditures to support NAMining's growth initiatives.

A number of initiatives are underway or in the planning stages that are expected
to support improved future financial results at NAMining's mining operations.
Until profit improves at existing operations, NAMining has narrowed its business
development efforts.

In 2023, NAMining capital expenditures are expected to be approximately $37 million primarily for the acquisition of equipment to support the Thacker Pass lithium project.

Minerals Management Outlook

The Minerals Management segment derives income from royalty-based leases under
which lessees make payments to the Company based on their sale of natural gas,
oil, natural gas liquids and coal, extracted primarily by third parties.
Changing prices of natural gas and oil have a significant impact on Minerals
Management's operating profit.

In 2023, operating profit and Segment Adjusted EBITDA are expected to decrease
significantly compared with 2022. This decrease is primarily driven by current
market expectations for natural gas and oil prices, an anticipated reduction in
volumes as existing wells follow their natural production decline and modest
expectations for development of new wells by third-party exploration and
production companies.

Based on market expectations, the Company's forecast assumes oil and gas market
prices will continue to moderate in 2023 to levels in line with 2021 averages;
however, commodity prices are inherently volatile. An increase in natural gas
and oil prices above current expectations could result in improvements to the
2023 forecast.

As an owner of royalty and mineral interests, the Company's access to
information concerning activity and operations with respect to its interests is
limited. The Company's expectations are based on the best information currently
available and could


Table of Contents

vary positively or negatively as a result of adjustments made by operators, additional leasing and development and/or changes to commodity prices. Development of additional wells on existing interests in excess of current expectations could be accretive to future results.

In 2023, the Minerals Management expects capital expenditures of approximately
$21 million, which includes up to $20 million of additional investments in
mineral and royalty interests. Future investments are expected to be accretive,
but each investment's contribution to near-term earnings is dependent on the
details of that investment, including the size and type of interests acquired
and the stage and timing of mineral development.

Consolidated Outlook

Management continues to view the long-term business outlook for NACCO
positively, despite an expected significant decrease in 2023 consolidated net
income versus 2022 in part because 2022 included $30.9 million of pre-tax
contract settlement income. Excluding the contract termination settlement income
recognized in the 2022 second quarter, net income in the first half of 2023 is
still expected to be significantly lower than the first half of 2022. The
decrease is primarily driven by an expected significant reduction in earnings at
the Minerals Management and Coal Mining segments. At Minerals Management, the
decrease in the first half of 2023 is primarily driven by an expected
significant reduction in commodity prices from historically high price levels in
the first half of 2022. At the Coal Mining segment, increased costs associated
with establishing operations in a new mine area as well as an anticipated
reduction in inventory levels during the first half of 2023 will result in a
higher cost per ton that will reduce earnings at MLMC. In addition, a reduction
in earnings from the unconsolidated mines, primarily Falkirk, is expected to
contribute to the decrease. These reductions are expected to be partially offset
by lower income tax expense. The Company expects a negative effective income tax
rate between 30% and 35% in 2023.

Mitigation Resources of North America® continued to build on the substantial
foundation established over the past several years and ended the 2023 first
quarter with eight mitigation banks and four permittee-responsible mitigation
projects located in Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama and Texas. Mitigation
Resources was recently named a designated provider of abandoned mine land
restoration by the State of Texas. It plans to provide ecological restoration
services for abandoned surface mines as well as pursue additional environmental
restoration projects during 2023.

In 2023, the Company expects capital expenditures of approximately $72 million,
which includes up to $20 million of investments at Minerals Management. Future
investments at Minerals Management are expected to continue to align with the
Company's strategy and objectives to establish a blended portfolio of mineral
and royalty interests. As a result of the forecasted capital expenditures and
anticipated substantial decrease in net income, cash flow before financing
activities in 2023 is expected to be positive but decline significantly from

Long-term Growth and Diversification Outlook

The Company is pursuing growth and diversification by strategically leveraging
its core mining and natural resources management skills to build a strong
portfolio of affiliated businesses. Management continues to be optimistic about
the long-term outlook. In the Minerals Management segment, as well as in the
Company's Mitigation Resources business, opportunities for growth remain strong.
Acquisitions of additional mineral interests, an improvement in the 2024 outlook
for the Company's largest Coal Mining segment customers and securing contracts
for Mitigation Resources and new NAMining projects could be accretive to the
Company's outlook.

The Minerals Management segment continues to pursue acquisitions of mineral and
royalty interests in the United States. The Minerals Management segment expects
to benefit from the continued development of its mineral properties without
additional capital investment, as development costs are borne entirely by
third-party exploration and development companies who lease the minerals. This
business model can deliver higher average operating margins over the life of a
reserve than traditional oil and gas companies that bear the cost of
exploration, production and/or development. Catapult, the Company's business
unit focused on managing and expanding the Company's portfolio of oil and gas
mineral and royalty interests, has developed a strong network to source and
secure new acquisitions. The goal is to construct a high-quality diversified
portfolio of oil and gas mineral and royalty interests in the United States that
delivers near-term cash flow yields and long-term projected growth. The Company
believes this business will provide unlevered after-tax returns on invested
capital in the mid-teens as this business model matures.

The Company remains committed to expanding the NAMining business while improving
profitability. NAMining intends to be a substantial contributor to operating
profit over time. The pace of achieving that objective will be dependent on the
execution and successful implementation of profit improvement initiatives in the
aggregates operations, and the mix and scale of new projects. The Sawtooth
Mining lithium project is expected to contribute more significantly when
production commences at


Table of Contents

Thacker Pass.

Sawtooth Mining has a mining services agreement to serve as the exclusive
contract miner for the Thacker Pass lithium project in northern Nevada, owned by
Lithium Nevada Corp., a subsidiary of Lithium Americas Corp. (TSX: LAC) (NYSE:
LAC). Lithium Americas owns the lithium reserves at Thacker Pass. On March 2,
2023, Lithium Americas announced that construction has commenced. Phase 1
production is projected to begin in the second half of 2026. Sawtooth Mining
plans to begin acquiring equipment for this project in 2023. Under the terms of
the contract mining agreement, Lithium Americas will reimburse Sawtooth for
these capital expenditures over a five-year period from the equipment
acquisition date. Sawtooth will be reimbursed for all costs of mine construction
plus a construction fee. The Company expects to recognize moderate income in
2024 and 2025 prior to commencement of production in 2026. Once production
commences, Sawtooth will receive a management fee per metric ton of lithium
delivered. At maturity, this contract is expected to deliver fee income similar
to a mid-sized management fee coal mine.

Mitigation Resources continues to expand its business, which creates and sells
stream and wetland mitigation credits and provides services to those engaged in
permittee-responsible mitigation as well as provides other environmental
restoration services. This business offers an opportunity for growth and
diversification in an industry where the Company has substantial knowledge and
expertise and a strong reputation. Mitigation Resources is making strong
progress toward its goal of becoming a top ten provider of stream and wetland
mitigation services in the southeastern United States. The Company believes that
Mitigation Resources can provide solid rates of return as this business matures.

The Company also continues to pursue activities which can strengthen the
resiliency of its existing coal mining operations. The Company remains focused
on managing coal production costs and maximizing efficiencies and operating
capacity at mine locations to help customers with management fee contracts be
more competitive. These activities benefit both customers and the Company's Coal
Mining segment, as fuel cost is a significant driver for power plant dispatch.
Increased power plant dispatch results in increased demand for coal by the Coal
Mining segment's customers. Fluctuating natural gas prices and availability of
renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, could affect the amount of
electricity dispatched from coal-fired power plants. While the Company realizes
the coal mining industry faces political and regulatory challenges and demand
for coal is projected to decline over the longer-term, the Company believes coal
will be an essential part of the energy mix in the United States for the
foreseeable future. Subsequent to 2023, the Coal Mining segment expects
increased profitability compared with 2023 expectations due in part to
improvements at Falkirk and MLMC. At Falkirk, the temporary price concessions
end in June 2024. At MLMC, the move to a new mine area will be completed during
2023, and as a result, cost per ton delivered in 2024 is expected to moderate.
In addition, certain costs incurred at MLMC in 2023 will be passed through to
the customer and included in revenues in 2024.

The Company continues to look for ways to create additional value by utilizing
its core mining competencies which include reclamation and permitting. One such
way the Company may be able to utilize these skills is through development of
utility-scale solar projects on reclaimed mining properties. Reclaimed mining
properties offer large tracts of land that could be well-suited for solar and
other energy-related projects. These projects could be developed by the Company
itself or through joint ventures that include partners with expertise in energy
development projects. During the first quarter of 2023, the Company acquired
100% of the membership interests in the Marshall Mine, where Caddo Creek had
been performing mine reclamation work. The Company is considering development of
a utility-scale solar project at this location.

The Company is committed to maintaining a conservative capital structure as it
continues to grow and diversify, while avoiding unnecessary risk. Strategic
diversification will generate cash that can be re-invested to strengthen and
expand the businesses. The Company also continues to maintain the highest levels
of customer service and operational excellence with an unwavering focus on
safety and environmental stewardship.


The statements contained in this Form 10-Q that are not historical facts are
"forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities
Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. These
forward-looking statements are made subject to certain risks and uncertainties,
which could cause actual results to differ materially from those presented.
Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking
statements, which speak only as of the date hereof. The Company undertakes no
obligation to publicly revise these forward-looking statements to reflect events
or circumstances that arise after the date hereof. Among the factors that could
cause plans, actions and results to differ materially from current expectations
are, without limitation: (1) changes to or termination of customer or other
third-party contracts, or a customer or other third party default under a
contract, (2) any customer's premature facility closure, (3) a significant
reduction in purchases by the Company's customers, including as a result of
changes in coal consumption patterns of U.S. electric power


Table of Contents

generators, or changes in the power industry that would affect demand for the
Company's coal and other mineral reserves, (4) changes in the prices of
hydrocarbons, particularly diesel fuel, natural gas, natural gas liquids and
oil, (5) failure or delays by the Company's lessees in achieving expected
production of natural gas and other hydrocarbons; the availability and cost of
transportation and processing services in the areas where the Company's oil and
gas reserves are located; federal and state legislative and regulatory
initiatives relating to hydraulic fracturing; and the ability of lessees to
obtain capital or financing needed for well-development operations and leasing
and development of oil and gas reserves on federal lands, (6) failure to obtain
adequate insurance coverages at reasonable rates, (7) supply chain disruptions,
including price increases and shortages of parts and materials, (8) changes in
tax laws or regulatory requirements, including the elimination of, or reduction
in, the percentage depletion tax deduction, changes in mining or power plant
emission regulations and health, safety or environmental legislation, (9) the
ability of the Company to access credit in the current economic environment, or
obtain financing at reasonable rates, or at all, and to maintain surety bonds
for mine reclamation as a result of current market sentiment for fossil fuels,
(10) impairment charges, (11) the effects of investors' and other stakeholders'
increasing attention to environmental, social and governance matters, (12)
changes in costs related to geological and geotechnical conditions, repairs and
maintenance, new equipment and replacement parts, fuel or other similar items,
(13) regulatory actions, changes in mining permit requirements or delays in
obtaining mining permits that could affect deliveries to customers, (14) weather
conditions, extended power plant outages, liquidity events or other events that
would change the level of customers' coal or aggregates requirements, (15)
weather or equipment problems that could affect deliveries to customers, (16)
changes in the costs to reclaim mining areas, (17) costs to pursue and develop
new mining, mitigation, oil and gas and solar development opportunities and
other value-added service opportunities, (18) delays or reductions in coal or
aggregates deliveries, (19) the ability to successfully evaluate investments and
achieve intended financial results in new business and growth initiatives, (20)
disruptions from natural or human causes, including severe weather, accidents,
fires, earthquakes and terrorist acts, any of which could result in suspension
of operations or harm to people or the environment, and (21) the ability to
attract, retain, and replace workforce and administrative employees.

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