Myriad Group AG announced changes to its Executive Management Team. Bruce Jackson is appointed to the position of Chief Technology Officer. Bruce will replace Kim Hartlev, who is leaving the business to pursue other interests.

Bruce was previously VP Innovation within Myriad. Olivier Bartholot, is appointed to the position of VP Corporate Development and GM Device Solutions. Olivier will replace Ed Zylka, SVP GM Device Solutions, who will be leaving the business to pursue other interests.

Andrew Wyse is promoted to the Executive Management Team as VP Global Sales. All changes are with immediate effect. Prior to joining Myriad, Bruce was VP, Engineering of INQ Mobile where he designed and launched Material, the first news aggregation service that derives interests wholly from an individual's social network connections.

Olivier Bartholot joined Myriad in October 2007. He has led the company through several strategic acquisitions and acts as the key liaison for its Facebook and Twitter relationships, placing the company as the leader in bringing social media to emerging markets.