Munich Re (Group) is disbanding the Munich Health(MH) field of business with effect from February 1, and is reallocating responsibilities among a smaller Board of Management. The reinsurance units of Munich Health will be merged with Munich Re's Life division, and the primary health insurance business will be transferred to ERGO International. This reorganization will also release cost synergies, and allow for a reduction in the size of the Board of Management.

The disbanding of the Munich Health field of business also allows for a reduction in the size of the Board of Management. Member of the Board of Management Doris Höpke will take over responsibility for Special and Financial Risks (SFR) from Thomas Blunck. After Joachim Wenning becomes chairman of the Board of Management at the end of April, Höpke will also assume responsibility for Human Resources and become the Labour Relations director. Thomas Blunck, who has been the Board member responsible for SFR since 2005, will be responsible for Life and Health from February 1, and will integrate the two lines of business. In addition, Blunck will drive development of Digital Partners, Capital Partners and Reinsurance Investments.