MTT Group Holdings Limited provided unaudited consolidated earnings guidance for the year ended 31 March 2024. For the year, the company expects net loss of no less than HKD 10 million for the year ended 31 March 2024 as compared to a net profit of approximately HKD 43.7 million for the year ended 31 March 2023 ("FY2022/2023"). The Board considers that the net loss recorded in FY2023/2024 was mainly due to: The decrease in revenue and gross profit margin derived from the sales of content delivery network licences in the Group's distribution business segment due to intense market competition during FY2023/2024; The decrease in revenue and gross profit margin derived from the Group's system integration solutions business due to intense market competition in FY2023/2024 as compared to FY2022/2023; and The increase in the other net losses in FY2023/2024 compared to FY2022/2023 due to the increase in the net impairment loss under expected credit loss model.

The decrease in other income in FY2023/2024 as compared to FY2022/2023 mainly due to government subsidy received in FY2022/2023 under the Employment Support Scheme launched by the Government of Hong Kong and no such subsidy was received in FY2023/2024.