Andrew Mott, Commercial director of General Electric in Europe on products of technological management automated systems attended IDGC of Volga, JSC with working visit. During a meeting topical issues on the use of PowerOnFusion program complex (General Electric product) in the Center of management of networks of "Saratov distribution networks", a branch of IDGC of Volga, JSC, were considered. This product represents the automated system of dispatching management. Also the staff of the American company presented the main trends in development of the PowerOnFusion program complex in the nearest future. At present specialists of IDGC of Volga study the possibility of addition of a program complex öøåð new modules and use of the updated product as a uniform complex of automated management by distributive electric networks of the branch. Besides, SmallWorld, program complex automating activity on management of electronetwork assets was presented to power engineers. It allows to keep account of electronetwork objects, their binding to the district, current state and history of changes. Application of geoinformation substrate in program complexes and data exchange between them were of particular interest. Also questions of the application of specified software products for obtaining reports on the carried-out meltings of ice deposits on electric power air transmission lines and formation of dispatching reports were discussed. During the meeting Andrew Mott highly appreciated completeness of introduction and use of the PowerOnFusion program complex in Center of management of power networks of the branch of IDGC of Volga , JSC - Saratov distribution grids.

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