LAS VEGAS, Jan. 7 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- 2010 INTERNATIONAL CONSUMER ELECTRONICS SHOW - Continuing its leadership in delivering wireless communications solutions that connect mobile consumers, Motorola, Inc. (NYSE: MOT) today announced it is demonstrating wireless HD video streaming over a Verizon Wireless pre-commercial LTE network with its own 4G LTE mobile platform.

Held during CES, this demonstration represents a collaborative effort between Motorola and Verizon Wireless' LTE Innovation Center, which provides an environment for diverse companies to work together in developing innovative products leveraging 4G LTE technology. It also takes the first step towards building an embedded LTE consumer electronics ecosystem.

The LTE network Verizon Wireless plans to roll out in 2010 will support high-quality, high-definition web experiences. Motorola technology utilizing this network will deliver video and mobility solutions capable of supporting our customers' new business models.

"The capabilities we are able to deliver by joining forces with Verizon Wireless are extraordinary. We've been astonished at the transformation we see with mobile content delivery," said Gary Koerper, vice president of Engine Systems for Motorola Mobile Devices. "The web has quickly become hyper-visual and we are at the forefront of technology to ensure a mobile web experience with no compromise."

In addition to this demonstration, Motorola will show visitors at CES first-hand how wireless broadband technologies such as LTE , WiMAX and HSPA can be enabled with Motorola's portfolio of datacard solutions in notebooks, netbooks, portable gaming devices and other networked consumer electronics.

About Motorola

Motorola is known around the world for innovation in communications and is focused on advancing the way the world connects. From broadband communications infrastructure, enterprise mobility and public safety solutions to high-definition video and mobile devices, Motorola is leading the next wave of innovations that enable people, enterprises and governments to be more connected and more mobile. Motorola (NYSE: MOT) had sales of US $30.1 billion in 2008. For more information, please visit

    Media Contacts
    Becki Leonard
    Motorola, Inc.
    +1 (847) 738.1923

    Debi Lewis
    Verizon Wireless
    +1 (917) 848.0035

SOURCE Motorola, Inc.