A global poll conducted by Monster reveals that more than three quarters of respondents have so little faith in their managers that they would vote them out of their job if they had the chance. Nearly one third of respondents (30 percent) would vote themselves into their manager's position instead, and one in four (25 percent) would vote for another colleague who they think would be better qualified in the role, while around one in five (21 percent) would eschew all of these options and hope for a new candidate to enter the race.

Would you vote for your boss? (Photo: Business Wire)

Would you vote for your boss? (Photo: Business Wire)

Monster, the worldwide leader in successfully connecting people to job opportunities and flagship brand of Monster Worldwide, Inc. (NYSE: MWW) asked visitors to their site the question, "In your current or most recent job, who would you vote into your manager's position?" and received 2411 responses. International findings included:

  • I'd vote for the current boss to keep his/her job: 24%
  • I'd vote for a colleague who'd make a better manager: 25%
  • I'd vote for myself, of course!: 30%
  • I'd hope for a new candidate to enter the race: 21%

Workers surveyed in Mexico appear to be the most self-confident, as nearly half (46 percent) said they would prefer to see themselves in their manager's position. The average worker in Europe is not so confident, with only 28 percent who indicated they would vote for themselves; however the French buck this general European trend with 45 percent keen to vote themselves into their boss's seat.

In terms of favoring colleagues to take the managerial position, U.S. workers were among the most supportive, with 27 percent believing that a colleague would make a better manager than their current boss.

"The fact we see such a large percentage of people who would vote themselves into their boss's position shows many workers have confidence and drive, which is ultimately good for any organization," says Mary Ellen Slayter, Monster.com's career expert. "However, workers who wouldn't support their current manager should consider whether or not they are in a nurturing environment that supports their professional development and career progression. If people don't feel confident with their current leadership, they should consider alternatives, such as moving to a new group within their organization where managers have a good reputation for their leadership qualities, and failing that, explore better opportunities elsewhere outside the company."

The results of the current Monster Global Poll are based on votes cast by Monster visitors from: August 6 - August 20, 2012. Only one vote per user is counted toward the final tabulation. The Monster Global poll, a product of Monster®, the premier global online employment solution and flagship brand of Monster Worldwide, Inc., is a series of online polls that gauge users' opinions on a variety of topics relating to careers, the economy and the workplace. These polls are not scientific and reflect the opinions of only those Internet users who have chosen to participate.

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Monster Worldwide, Inc. (NYSE: MWW), parent company of Monster®, is the worldwide leader in successfully connecting people to job opportunities. From the web, to mobile, to social, Monster helps companies find people with customized solutions using the world's most advanced technology to match the right person to the right job. With a local presence in more than 40 countries, Monster connects employers with quality job seekers at all levels, provides personalized career advice to consumers globally and delivers vast, highly targeted audiences to advertisers. To learn more about Monster's industry-leading products and services, visit http://www.monster.com. More company information is available at http://about-monster.com.

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