Monex Group, Inc. announced the appointment of Satoshi Hasuo as Executive Officer. The company also announced that Nozomi Takasaki's designation has been changed from Expert Director to Executive Officer. Satoshi Hasuo will continue to concurrently serve as Chairman, Representative Director & Executive Director of Coincheck, Inc. Satoshi Hasuo has led the growth of Coincheck Inc. as Representative Director & President, leveraging his knowledge from his many years of financial background, including foreign-affiliated companies, and his experience in a wide range of operations at the Company and its group companies. He was deemed appropriate to take responsibility for the Crypto Asset segment to create opportunities for growth in its revenue and promote global strategies of the segment. Nozomi Takasaki has been in charge of the Legal & Compliance Department within the Group for many years and has contributed to the strengthening of internal controls. As the Company develops new businesses, including the cryptoasset business, internal control and crisis management throughout the Group become even more important, and it was deemed appropriate for her to be in charge of internal control and crisis management. Shoji Kuwashima resigned from the position of Executive Officer and was appointed as Senior Advisor of the Company. He will continue to serve as a member of the Board of Director at Monex Private Bank, Inc. The company also announced that Masataka Suzuki 's designation has been changed from Expert Director to Executive Officer. Masataka Suzuki will continue to concurrently serve as Managing Director & President of Monex Ventures, Inc. Masataka Suzuki has fully utilized his knowledge as a certified public accountant and experience in establishing corporate venture capitals, to expand the Group's investment business and improvement of corporate operations and investment review system as a director of Monex Ventures, Inc. Appointing him as
President & Executive Director of Monex Ventures, Inc., the Company expects him to realize further business expansion. These changes are effective from Effective June 22, 2024. The company announced the appointment of Yoshiki Hayakawa as General Manager, Finance Department, Effective July 1, 2024 (scheduled).