Modern Dental Group Limited provided earnings Guidance for the year ended 31 December 2019. For the period, the group expects its profit attributable to the shareholders for the fiscal year 2019 to be within the range of HKD 155 million to HKD 165 million, which represents an increase within the range of approximately 87% to 99%. The significant increase in the group's profit was mainly due to the turnaround of MicroDental Group as a direct result of the Group's continued integration of, and implementation of, strategies to focus in promotions of high value products and phasing out of lower value items; an overall improvement in the Group's gross profit margin in Fiscal Year 2019; and no one-off write-off of capitalized interest and fee and related exchange losses incurred during Fiscal Year 2019 following the completion of the re-financing of bank loans of the Group in January 2018.