As we begin the New Year, I would like to offer a few thoughts on where we have been and where we are going as a company.

The global economy is showing a gradual overall recovery, even though there are still many uncertainties, including those relating to monetary policy in the US, the European debt crisis, and weaker growth in emerging countries. Meanwhile, at home here in Japan, the Abe-led government has introduced a number of bold fiscal and monetary policies as part of efforts to move Japan out of its deflationary environment. The challenge this year for Japan is to implement a growth strategy that delivers on expectations for economic revival.

At Mitsui, our challenge for the year is similar to the challenge facing Japan. In the year ahead, we need to turn expectations into reality.

During 2014 we will be formulating and launching our new Medium-term Management Plan. Our aim is to generate real results from projects we are already engaged in, such as comprehensive development of value chains in natural gas, automobiles, food and grain. We also aim to accumulate competitive assets in upstream areas, and to pursue business in every field associated with the growth of emerging markets, while strengthening our business platform with a growth strategy that makes best use of our broad capabilities.

In pursuing our new Management Plan, we aim to build value and meet the expectations of our customers, business partners and other stakeholders around the world. And by delivering on expectations, we will create a stronger Mitsui & Co. while contributing to economic vitality and prosperity, in Japan and abroad, in the spirit of challenge and innovation.

I wish you and your families the best of health and every happiness in the year ahead.

January, 6,

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