Mitsubishi Estate Logistics REIT Investment Corporation ("MEL") announces that it has decided to obtain debt financing (the "Borrowing"), and prepay a bank loan (the "Prepayment") as outlined below: 1. Details of the Borrowing. Category (Note 1): Long- term. Lender: The Yamaguchi Bank Ltd. (Green Loan) (Note 4). Borrowing Amount: JPY 1,500 Million. Interest Rate (Note 2): Base interest rate (Note 5)+0.3100% (floating rate). Borrowing Date: March 14, 2023. Borrowing Method: Borrowing based on the individual term loan agreement dated March 7, 2023, entered into with the lender shown on the left. Repayment Date: (Note 3) September 1, 2032. Repayment Method: Paid in full upon maturity.
Collateral: Unsecured and non-guaranteed.