Miramar Resources Limited advised the granting of the Company's first Exploration Licence in the Bangemall region. E52/3893 is one of six Exploration Licences and/or applications held by Miramar and which the Company believes are prospective for Proterozoic craton-margin Ni-Cu-PGE mineralisation such as Nova-Bollinger, Nebo-Babel and the giant Norilsk and Voisey Bay nickel deposits in Russia and Canada. Miramar was a first mover in the region following the identification of a number of overlapping ingredients and/or signatures of a potentially large Ni-Cu-PGE deposit including the following: Presence of a significant volume of Proterozoic dolerite dykes and sills, Location adjacent to major crustal-scale mantle tapping structures, Presence of large regional-scale Ni-Cu-PGE stream sediment anomalism, Large conductors identified from regional scale airborne EM surveys.