Mineral Commodities Ltd

ABN 39 008 478 653

40 Murray Road North

Welshpool WA 6106, Australia

PO Box 235, Welshpool DC WA 6986, Australia

Telephone: 61 8 6253 1100

Facsimile: 61 8 9258 3601

Email: info@mncom.com.au
Web: www.mncom.com.au


Mineral Commodities Limited ("MRC" or the "Company") (ASX: MRC) has successfully completed all three tranches of the A$14.5 million (before costs) capital raising to institutional and sophisticated investors and related parties ("Capital Raising").

As announced on 24 October 2012, the Capital Raising was to be completed in three tranches: the first tranche of up to approximately A$10.25 million to institutional and sophisticated investors ("Placement"); the second tranche of approximately A$3.4 million to be issued to related parties of the Company; and the third tranche by way of a private placement of approximately $850,000 to a sophisticated investor who participated in the first tranche ("Private Placement").

The Placement was completed in October 2012 in accordance with shareholder approval received on 31 May 2012. Existing directors of MRC subscribed for up to A$3.4 million in shares in MRC (Shares) on 21 January 2013 on the same terms as those issued under the Placement. The issue of Shares to directors of MRC was approved by shareholders on 21 December 2012.

The final issue of approximately 9.9 million Shares pursuant to the Private Placement was also approved by shareholders on 21 December 2012 and took place on 24 January 2013 following the issue to existing directors of MRC.

MRC intends to use the net proceeds from the Capital Raising to further development of its Tormin Mineral Sands Project. Further funding initiatives to ensure completion of development of the project, and commencement of production in the Third Quarter of 2013, are being advanced and the Company believes it will be able to ensure all appropriate funding will be secured.


Mr Andrew Lashbrooke CEO
Mineral Commodities Limited