7 January 2010

                             Dividend Announcement

Middlefield  Canadian Income Trusts Investment Company PCCis pleased to announce
that  the board of directors has declared a quarterly dividend of 1.25 pence per
Share with respect to Middlefield Canadian Income Trusts ? GBP PC (the ?Fund?).

The dividend will be paid on Friday 29 January 2010 to Shareholders of record on
Friday 15 January 2010.  The ex-dividend date is Wednesday 13 January 2010.

The   Fund  trades  on  the  London  Stock  Exchange  under  the  symbol  MCT.L.
 Middlefield International Limited is the investment adviser.  The Fund provides
investors  with exposure to  a broadly diversified  portfolio of Canadian income
trusts  through a Swap agreement  whose reference is CIT  Trust, a Canadian unit
trust.   As at 31 December 2009, the asset  class weightings of the portfolio of
CIT Trust were:

| Asset Class        | Portfolio Weighting |
| Oil and Gas        |         56%         |
| Business Trusts    |         17%         |
| Power and Pipeline |         13%         |
| REITs              |         4%          |
| Other              |         10%         |

For additional information, please contact any of the undersigned:

 Gary Boudin                              Dean Orrico
 Kleinwort Benson (Channel Islands)       Director
 Corporate Services Limited               Middlefield Canadian Income Trusts
                                          Investment Company PCC
 Tel.: 01534 613419                       Tel.: 01481 727111
