MDS RB 37 - spełnienie się warunków_TR

Current Report No. 37/2014
Drawn up on: 23 December 2014
Subject: Meeting all of the conditions precedent under the credit agreement with Bank Polska Kasa
Opieki S.A.
Legal basis: Article 56 par. 5 of the Public Offering Act - update of information
With reference to Current Report No. 16/2014 concerning the conclusion of the credit agreement ("Agreement") with Bank Polska Kasa Opieki S.A. ("Bank") to finance the development of a telecommunications network based on LTE and HSPA+ technology, and also to Current Report No.
29/2014 and No. 30/2014 concerning partially meeting one of the conditions precedent of the Agreement, the Management Board of Midas S.A. ("Company") announces that on 23 December the Bank confirmed the correct provision of all the remaining documents described in Current Report No.
16/2014. As a result of providing the aforementioned documents, all Conditions Precedent have been met.

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