MicroCloud Hologram Inc. announced the development of a holographic quantum chromodynamic research database information management system. The system is the result of the Company's independent research and development, which is conducive to further improving the Company's intellectual property protection system, maintaining its technological leadership, and enhancing its core competitiveness. HOLO applies quantum chromodynamics in holographic data communication to connect quantum computers and other information processing nodes to build a QCD data information security network.

Thus HOLO has developed the holographic quantum chromodynamic research database information management system and obtained software copyright. The system uses light field second-order or higher-order to correlate physical objects' image information and convert them into 3D holographic, super-resolution, or non-visual domain imaging. The system uses quantum entangled photons to encode the object information to generate holograms and creates high-resolution, low-noise holographic information images for information transmission.

The system contains many protocols and applications, such as QSDC, QDS, QKD, and QT. Also, the system combines quantum data storage relay and quantum state conversion to achieve superluminal transmission communication without latency. Both parties can complete the encryption by sharing entanglement or transmitting quantum states.

Any theft will be detected in time because of interference with entanglement and quantum states. HOLO's system can communicate in ‘hyperspace' without the limitation of distance and transmission medium, ensuring the safe transmission of information. Compared with traditional data encryption, QCD encryption is based on the principle of unclonability.

It can generate high-quality keys with higher security. When an eavesdropper tries to steal quantum communication information, HOLO takes advantage of the unclonable nature of QCD information, which can cause irreversible damage to the quantum state. The sending and receiving parties of the real message owner only need to compare some keys to conclude whether the message has been stolen.

Because the state of any quantum needs to be measured before it can be copied, but the quantum state is so fragile that any measurement will change the quantum state itself, leading to collapse and irreversible change of the quantum state, the quantum state cannot be easily copied. Generating quantum encryption is also the process of distributing the key, and both real owners of the information will get the key simultaneously without needing a third-party messenger in the middle of the transmission.