Metro International S.A. ("Metro International"), the world's largest
international newspaper,  announces  that  it  is  discontinuing  the
activities of its  fully owned  operation in Spain,  Metro News  S.L.
("Metro Spain"), which  publishes the free  daily newspaper Metro  in
seven Spanish cities. Thursday 29th January 2008 was the last day  of
publication  for  Metro.  Prior  to   the  closure  of  our   Spanish
operations, Metro was the  fifth most read  daily newspaper in  Spain
with more than 1.8 million daily readers.[1]

Metro in Spain  was successfully  launched in  2001 and  by 2004  had
achieved profitability.  However, with  increased competition  and  a
steadily  declining  advertising  market   the  operation  has   been
experiencing  losses   during   the  last   years.   Several   merger
opportunities have been investigated  during 2008, however, the  size
of the  combined losses  of the  Spanish free  press market  made  it
extremely difficult to find an  alternative that would have  improved
the future financial performance of Metro Spain.

Metro International has  invested ?  25.5 million in  Metro Spain  up
until the closure of the business announced on 29th January 2009. The
closure is expected  to give rise  to a  book loss of  between ?  5-6
million which  includes non-cash  items. The  cost of  closing  Metro
Spain will be accounted for in Metro International's results for  the
first quarter 2009.

Per Mikael Jensen,  CEO and  President of  Metro International  said:
"Despite dedicated  efforts  from  our Spanish  management  team  and
staff, it  is with  deep  regret that  we  have taken  the  difficult
decision to close down our operations in Spain. Even though Metro  in
Spain has been losing less  money than its Spanish free  competitors,
the worsening Spanish economic down turn, which during the  beginning
of 2009  has resulted  in a  collapsing advertising  market, has  now
resulted in unsustainable losses. The stiff competition coupled  with
a forecasted continued weakening advertising market for Spain,  makes
the closure  of our  operations the  only rational  decision at  this
time. A continued  investment in  Spain cannot be  justified at  this
point and we  are therefore  focusing our resources  on growth  areas
where we can create long term shareholder value."

Martin Alsander,  Executive  Vice President  of  Metro  International
said: "I  would like  to thank  our staff  in Spain  for their  great
efforts and hard work  during these difficult  times. Thanks to  this
group of  excellent  people  we  have managed  to  produce  a  highly
regarded newspaper throughout Spain. Despite the very best efforts of
Metro Spain's capable employees we deemed the obstacles they faced to
be insurmountable."

[1]  EGM 2008-3

For further information please contact:

Per Mikael Jensen, CEO and President              tel: +44 (0)20 7016
Martin       Alsander,       Executive       Vice tel: +44 (0)20 7016
President                                         1300
Ingrid Selden, IR contact                         tel: +44 (0)77 2524

Metro is the largest international newspaper in the world.  Metro  is
published in over  150 major  cities in  19 countries across  Europe,
North & South  America and Asia.  Metro has a  unique global reach  -
attracting a young,  active, well-educated  Metropolitan audience  of
over 17 million daily readers. Metro  International S.A. 'A' and  'B'
shares are listed on the Stockholmsbörsen 'O-List' under the  symbols

Metro International 'A' and 'B' shares  are listed on the OMX  Nordic
Exchange's Nordic List under the symbols MTRO SBD A and MTRO SBD B.

This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is 
solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

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