Metro  International   S.A.   ("Metro"   or   "the   Company"),   the
international newspaper  group,  today  announces that  it  has  been
awarded 'Newspaper of  the Year  2009' at the  inaugural Festival  of
Media Awards in Valencia, Spain.

The 'Newspaper of the Year 2009' award celebrates newspaper  heritage
and  honors  the  balance  of  "publishers  and  editors  working  in
harmony". Metro won  the prestigious title  over other  international
titles such as the Financial Times,  the Wall Street Journal and  the
New York Times.

The Festival of Media is the  world's first global festival of  media
creativity and innovation,  showcasing top creative  thinking of  the
industry. The  festival  was attended  by  senior directors  of  both
international newspaper titles as well as global media advertisers.

Per Mikael Jensen, CEO and President of Metro said: "On behalf of our
amazing staff, I am very proud  that Metro has been given this  honor
by some  of the  most influential  and respected  individuals in  the
global media industry. Metro prides itself on creating new, effective
and innovative advertising solutions while at the same time, ensuring
the highest editorial standards possible. This award provides further
confirmation that Metro is well placed to continue to meet the  needs
of both  our  loyal consumers  and  advertisers throughout  the  21st
century. In these tough economic times,  I believe this is why  Metro
continues to gain a greater share of both readership and global print

For further information please contact:
Per Mikael Jensen, CEO and President        tel: +44 (0)20 7016 1300
Maggie Samways, Global Editor-in-Chief      tel: +44 (0)20 7016 1300



Metro is the largest international newspaper in the world.  Metro  is
published in over  100 major  cities in  18 countries across  Europe,
North & South  America and Asia.  Metro has a  unique global reach  -
attracting a young, active, well-educated Metropolitan audience of 17
million daily readers.

Metro International S.A.  shares are listed  on Nasdaq OMX  Stockholm
through Swedish Depository Receipts  of series A  and series B  under
the symbols MTROA and MTROB.

This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is 
solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

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