Metech International Limited announced resignation of Chng Hee Kok on 13 June 2024 as the Independent Non-Executive Chairman of the Company to pursue other opportunities. Following Mr. Chng's cessation as an Independent Director, he will also cease to be a member of the Audit Committee, Nominating Committee and Remuneration Committee. Directorships: - Blackgold Natural Resources Limited - Cashflws Pte.

Ltd. - Chaswood Resources Holdings Ltd. - Ellipsiz Ltd. - Ferrstron Electric Pte. Ltd. - KTL Global Limited - Metech International Limited -Samudera Shipping Line Ltd. Principal Commitments: None. Directorships: - Debao Property Development Ltd. - Full Apex (Holdings) Limited - Luxking Group Holdings Limited - Rational Pricing Technologies Pte.

Ltd. - The Place Holdings Limited - United Food Holdings Limited Principal Commitments: None.