Melati Ehsan Holdings Berhad announced unaudited consolidated earnings results for first quarter ended November 30, 2016. For the quarter, the company reported revenue of MYR 21,808,210, profit before tax of MYR 957,730, profit attributable to the owners of the company of MYR 503,730, basic and diluted earnings per share of 0.42 sen, net cash used in operating activities was of MYR 20,532,256, purchase of property plant and equipment of MYR 114,816 compared to the revenue of MYR 19,705,504, profit before tax of MYR 1,501,785, profit attributable to the owners of the company of MYR 1,066,585, basic and diluted earnings per share of 0.89 sen, net cash used in operating activities was of MYR 2,619,002, purchase of property plant and equipment of MYR 192,8010 for the same quarter a year ago.