Megado Gold Limited announced that exploration has commenced at the North Fork Rare Earth Element (REE) Project in Idaho, USA. A field team is currently conducting a broad scale sampling and initial mapping program at North Fork following a recent site visit by the Company Chair, Bradley Drabsch. During Mr. Drabsch's visit, outcropping carbonatite veins, up to 3m wide, were located.

Veins of this type have been channel sampled historically at Silver King and yielded TREO (Total Rare Earth Oxide) assays of up to 2m @ 10.3% including the much sought after CREO (Critical Rare Earth Oxide component - typically Nd + Pr + Dy + Tb + Y) assaying up to 1.2% within the same interval. Exploration At North Fork: The exploration process at North Fork has now commenced. During this summer season, the Company is aiming to complete a number of initial work programs including: Broad scale surface sampling aimed at the generation of future targets for more detailed exploration.

Maiden diamond drilling at the Silver King Prospect (subject to various statutory approvals processes). First pass geological mapping and rock sampling aided by the use of scintillometers. These devices allow the rapid identification of areas of Thorium enrichment which may indicated the presence of REE bearing veins.

The Company has a team of geologists and field assistants lead by Greg Schifrin, available to complete the work programs at North Fork. Project Portfolio Expansion: Megado is in the process of generating new critical minerals project ideas and investigating further opportunities to add to the project portfolio across the United States and elsewhere.