7 November 2012

Standard & Poor's credit rating report stated that this decision was based on MDM Bank's sustainable liquidity position and funding base, balanced loan portfolio and low client concentration, as well as its sustainable, strong capital position, as compared to a range of equivalent Russian peers.

"The new management team has designed an updated development strategy for the Bank, which includes a plan for the active development of lending programs in 2013. Additionally, the strategy envisages a gradual increase in the share of retail lending, thus enabling the improvement of the Bank's margins and overall profitability; the Bank, however, will continue to maintain its relations with reliable corporate clients," the rating agency report states.

"The rating action of Standard & Poor`s has once again confirmed the correctness of the development course selected by the Bank. We are glad that the agency's analysts appreciated the tangible changes which are now taking place at the Bank and have already been reflected in its operating results. This is only the beginning of the positive dynamics - we have rapidly created a firm foundation and designed a business strategy which will continue yielding positive results in 2013," Igor Kouzin, CEO of MDM Bank, remarked.

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