Matinas BioPharmaHoldings, Inc. announced that MAT2203, its oral formulation of the potent antifungal amphotericin B, demonstrated efficacy compared with placebo in treating the pulmonary mucormycosisfungal infections Rhizopus delemar and M. circinelloides f. jenssenii in immunosuppressed mice. In addition, MAT2203 activity appeared to be similar to IV-amphotericin B in survival studies in the M. circinelloides F. jenssenii mouse model. MAT2203, its oral formulations of amphotericin B, has been shown to effectively and safely deliver this potent antifungal in mucormycosis and a variety of other potentially deadly invasive antifungal infection through Compassionate/Expanded Use Access Program (Program).

Early results through Program and promising in vivo studies in difficult-to-treat mucormycosis infections continue to strengthen confidence in MAT2203's potential efficacy and safety in treating a variety of invasive fungal infections.