The MariMed Inc. has appointed Mr. Robert Fireman as President and Chief Executive Officer and Mr. Jon Levine as Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer. This completes the planned transition of management of the company to a singly focused enterprise specializing in the design, development, operation, funding, and optimization of cultivation, production, and dispensary facilities in the emerging legal cannabis industry. Messrs.

Fireman and Levine are currently directors of the Company. Mr. Thom Kidrin, formerly President and CEO of the company relinquished his positions as part of this transition and will remain as a member of the Board of Directors. Mr. Fireman and Mr. Levine have proven successful track records in a variety of industries including 10 years in the legal cannabis industry.

They founded MariMed Advisors, which over the last four years has assisted legal cannabis clients in designing, developing, and managing successful businesses in multiple states across the country.