Marechale Capital plc announced unaudited consolidated financial results for the six months ended 31 October 2017. For the year, revenue was £125,066 against £530,872 for the same period of last year. Operating loss was £278,291 against profit of £13,624 for the same period of last year. Loss before tax was £459,791 against profit of £10,103 for the same period of last year. Loss for the period was £459,791 against profit of £10,103 for the same period of last year. Loss per diluted share was 0.007 against profit of 0.02 pence for the same period of last year. Operating cash outflow was £204,265 against inflow of £8,124 for the same period of last year. The fall in revenues is largely due to delays in a number of the transactions it is involved in.