Man Sang International Limited announced delay in publication of the 2024 annual results. Reference is made dated 21 June 2024 and 26 June 2024 in respect of, among other things, the possible delay in publication of the 2024 Annual Results and possible suspension of trading. Unless otherwise defined herein, capitalised terms used in this announcement shall have the same meanings as defined in the Announcements.

DELAY IN PUBLICATION OF THE 2024 ANNUAL RESULTS: As disclosed in the Announcements, there may be a delay in the publication of the 2024 Annual Results as the Company was collecting and collating the Outstanding Information, which is mainly related to the Legal Proceedings, as required by the Auditor to complete the auditing process. As at the date of this announcement, the company is still in the process of preparing the Outstanding Information, and therefore additional time is required for the Company to finalise the 2024 Annual Results. In view of the above, the publication of the 2024 Annual Results will be delayed.

The expected date of the publication of the 2024 Annual Results will need to be further discussed and determined with the Auditor and will be announced as and when appropriate.