Magna Gold Corp. report positive gold assays from San Judas. The terms of the acquisition of San Judas property are detailed in the September 30, 2019 press release. Magna Gold has fielded a team of geologists to San Judas and have been making good progress mapping and sampling the property. The company has flown key areas with a drone to produce high definition maps. Magna geologists have been mapping and sampling the many historical gold mines on the property and expanding their work to adjacent structures and parallel structures to numerous historical minin trends that are on the property. Historical workings extend over kilometers at San Judas and to date, Magna's work has been positive. San Judas Highlights Santa Lucia and La Paloma are parallel gold bearing structures approximately 500 meters apart with strong hematitic alteration between the structures. Santa Lucia is a bulk mining target and consists of a series of shallow historical mines (trenches and shafts) distributed along a line of over 900 m in length, with a 135-degree azimuth. Most of the historical mines are developed in quartz veins and veinlets hosted in a granoblastic granite showing argillic alteration within a sheared fringe; mapping has identifiedparallel structures on historical mines in sheared granite with quartz veinlets, oxides, and boxworks of the original sulphides (pyrite, galena,etc.). Immediately north of Santa Lucia is the Las Palomas area, where historical mines were developed on six parallel structures in granoblastic granite, dipping 45 - 50 degrees, 150-degree azimuth, sub-parallel to the Santa Lucia trend. Historical mines tend to be of low angle at depth with high angle fracturing of gray quartz cutting the main structures and foliation in the granite. The best gold values at Las Palomas site are 26.40 g/t Au producing adjacent samples of 14.60 g/t Au, 5.54 g/t Au, 7.30 g/t Au. These samples are strongly oxidized with stockwork veining containing box works from sulfides and strong hematite alteration. San Martin hosts gold in oxidized granite and gneiss pervasive hematite and limonite alteration. Mineralization is quartz stockwork along foliation and cross cutting quartz veinlets. San Martin has a series of historical mines oriented 155- and 180-degrees azimuth, dipping strongly to the West and Eastin lengths that vary from 150 to 200 meters, over an area of 1,250 m in length and 750 meters in width. Several historical workings and areas of strong hematite alteration were sampled, and assay results. The key take-away of the sampling and geological work to date in the San Martin area is the fact that the historical high-grade small mines are aligned with North-South trending structures with lower grade hematite stockwork in low-angle veining structures in the host rock, opening the possibility of finding high volume bulk deposits. Represo Seco is a high grade sheeted and brecciated vein system with three generations of quartz; white, crystalline quartz and chalcedony-druzy, filling open spaces in granite two meters thick with a strike length of 65 meters at the Represo Seco site and is open ended. Rockchip samples indicate a strong possibility of stacked gold structures along faults in the granit host. Magna collected a trench sample that ran 7 g/t Au at Represo Seco. Mapping and sampling are ongoing to the southwest to the property boundary with outcrops containing stockwork with hematite, jarosite, limonite, sericite alteration, clays, chlorite, bands of crackled jasperoid silica, and fine-grained magnetite disseminated in fractures. The host rock is granite. Rock samples have been collected over a strike length of several kilometers and additional assay results will be reported when received. Cueva del León hosts argillic altered intrusive felsic rocks that strike north south and dip 45-degrees generally to the west. Initial assays have been in the 1.3 to 3 g/t range. Located in the south-central portion of the property, it is an area with gold mineralization that extends in the direction of E-W, being the most notable evidence a series of historical mines occurring in a line of about 100-120 meters, the most important of which is La Cueva del Leon adit, developed alonga vein of quartz and stock work of quartz-hematite in a gneiss sequence. The mineralized area in its projection to the west is lost in the valley under the alluvial cover. It is necessary to extend the exploration in both directions of Cueva del Leon, perpendicular to the general dip of the known structure, to know its relationship with others exposed to the north and south. San Judas Property: The San Judas project is located at the southern end of the Caborca Orogenic Gold Belt or Sonora Mojave Mega Shear, a trend known to host several orogenic gold-bearing deposits within an area extending from north-western Mexico into the southwestern United States measuring more than 600 km long and 60 to 80 km wide. Of the deposits within the Caborca Orogenic Gold Belt are a number of large open pit heap leach gold operations such as La Herradura, Soledad-Dipolos and Nochebuena (Fresnillo PLC), San Francisco mine (Alio Gold Inc), Cerro Colorado (GoldGroup Mining Inc.), El Chanate (Alamos Gold Inc) and La Choya (Hecla Mining). Historic estimates of the combined gold reserves and resources identified within the trend to date total in excess of 10 million ounces of gold (Izaguirre et al., 2017), which is based on prior data and reports obtained and prepared by previous operators. The oldest rocks within the property are a package of metamorphic rocks which include banded quartz- feldspathic gneiss and augen gneiss, granite, and green schist. All metamorphic rocks exhibit foliation which generally varies in strike direction from between 330-degrees to North and dips to the southwest generally at 45-degrees at Santa Lucia and Cueva de Lion. The strike direction at San Martin is generally North/South with sub vertical dips. Quartz veins generally follow foliation and strike of the metamorphic rocks. The metamorphic rocks are intruded by a Tertiary igneous package, which includes granite with visible feldspar and quartz, and is porphyritic in texture. It appears that the granite was emplaced along low angle shear zones in the system.