The precision medicine biotech company Macrogen (CEO Hyon-yong Chong, (KOSDAQ:038290) announced that it is officially launching worldwide myPETGENETM, a total care solution for companion animals based on genetic information.

myPETGENETM is a customized solution for genetic testing that provides information on rare genetic disorders that may occur in each species of animals, individual DNA identification, and breed and gender verification by analyzing genes of various companion animals such as dogs, horses, birds, and cats.

myPETGENETM is now available at the official website Customers around the world can easily view the test results online. When a customer files an application for a test on the myPETGENETM website, Macrogen sends a service kit to the customer. The customer in turn sends back the service kit with buccal epithelial cells, blood, hairs, bone fractions and other samples, and tests are quickly initiated. Test results will then be available on the myPETGENETM website within three days from the arrival of the service kit at Macrogen. A test certificate is also available upon request.

Guardians of companion animals can predict and manage potential genetic disorders well in advance through myPETGENETM and will be able to promote adoptions of healthy animals free of genetic disorders. Moreover, it will be possible to prevent theft or disappearance of companion animals by using individual identification and breed information.

myPETGENETM was first introduced in Korea in December 2015 and was received favorably by professional breeders and guardians of companion animals. It is drawing particular attention in connection with genetic disorder testing services. Macrogen presently maintains a strategic cooperative service contract with the Korea Kennel Federation (President Park Sang-woo, and acts as an official partner for the FCI Dog Shows. The breed management system within the KKF allows registration and management of genetic information, such as individual identification and blood relationships, that are tested with myPETGENETM .

KKF President Sang-woo Park said, “We hope that myPETGENETM will help us to prevent dogs from being abandoned and look into their diseases so that its customers worldwide can live healthy lives with their animals. We also hope that myPETGENETM will contribute to the preservation of pure breed dogs.”

Macrogen CEO Hyon-yong Chong said, “myPETGENETM has already created an impact in Korea and is contributing to the creation of an advanced culture in living with companion animals. Macrogen will continue to expand the service scope of myPETGENETM by implementing additional tests of characteristics identification which allow the identification of obesity, character, intelligence and so forth of such animals.” He added, “We will seek collaboration with internationally recognized veterinary schools and animal hospitals to distribute customized genetic tests worldwide which guardians of companion animals can find reliable.”

Macrogen has provided genetic and genomic analysis services for researchers and customers of clinical trials worldwide for the past two decades and built world-class technology and service know-how. Macrogen will continue to build on its technology and know-how to expand its scope of services that utilize genetic information in the daily lives of general consumers.