Lannion, January 5, 2021 – 5:35pm


LUMIBIRD [FR0000038242 – LBIRD], the European leader for laser technologies, publishes its financial communications agenda for 2021.

  Disclosure date Closed period
FY 2020 revenues Monday 25/01/2021*  
FY 2020 earnings Tuesday 16/03/2021* from 16/02/2021 to 16/03/2021 included
Q1 2021 revenues Monday 26/04/2021*  
Annual Shareholders Meeting Tuesday 04/05/2021  
H1 2021 revenues Monday 26/07/2021*  
H1 2021 earnings Tuesday 21/09/2021* from 22/08/2021 to 21/09/2021 included
Q3 2021 revenues Monday 25/10/2021*  

*after close of trading

The agenda is indicative and may be subject to change.

Closed periods, prior to the publication of earnings, during which no trading in the Company's shares is permitted, apply to managers, persons assimilated to managers and any person who has access on a regular or occasional basis to inside information of the Company.

Next date: 2020 full-year revenues and 2023 objectives on January 25, 2021 after close of trading



LUMIBIRD is one of the world's leading specialists in lasers. With 50 years of experience and a mastering of solid state laser, laser diodes and fiber laser technologies, the Group designs, manufactures and markets high performance lasers for scientific (laboratories and universities), industrial (manufacturing, defense, Lidar sensors) and medical (ophthalmology) markets.

Born from the combination of Keopsys Group with Quantel in October 2017, LUMIBIRD has more than 800 employees and over €110 million of revenues in 2019 and is present in Europe, America and Asia.

LUMIBIRD shares are listed on the Euronext Paris B Compartment. FR0000038242 – LBIRD


Marc Le Flohic
Chairman and CEO
Tel. +33(0) 1 69 29 17 00
Aude Nomblot-Gourhand
Secretary General – CFO
Tel. +33(0) 1 69 29 17 00
Mathieu Calleux
Investors Relations
Tel. +33(1) 53 65 37 91



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