Lockheed Martin demonstrated and validated that its Long Range Anti-Ship Missile (LRASM) can be launched from any MK 41 Vertical Launch System (VLS) by only modifying the software to existing shipboard equipment. During the company-funded test, LRASM and Tactical Tomahawk Weapons Control System (TTWCS), MK 41 VLS and Mk-114 booster hardware with modified software executed simulated missions and provided all electrical interfaces and data transfers needed to prepare and launch LRASMs. LRASM is an autonomous, precision-guided anti-ship standoff missile leveraging the successful Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile Extended Range heritage, and is designed to meet the Offensive Anti-Surface Weapon needs of U.S. Navy and Air Force warfighters. This recent test demonstrates the low-risk and low-cost of launching LRASM from a ship, and was made possible by a cross-company team effort.