Finda Corp. Pty Ltd. acting as the exclusive distributor in Australia for Location Based Technologies, Inc. announced a partnership agreement with Australian Warranty Network (AWN) to resell Commercial and Consumer LBT vehicle GPS tracker solutions into the automotive and other vehicle Extended Warranty market in Australia and New Zealand. The LBT Vehicle GPS tracker products localized for the ANZ market consist of GSM quad-band devices designed to receive satellite transmitted global positioning coordinates that are then relayed through a GSM network to a smartphone, tablet, or web browser on a computer showing a vehicle's position on a map.

Commercial and consumer users of the LBT vehicle GPS tracking system are able to pin-point a vehicle's location as well as monitor 60-day vehicle travel history including speed, altitude, or longitude/latitude coordinates all plotted on an easy to navigate map displayed on an Android or iOS mobile device, or a computer. The flexibility of the LBT system benefits all types of vehicle owners who want to monitor driver behavior, reduce costs on unnecessary vehicle use, or to recover stolen vehicles.