LIXIL Group Corporation announced that the director, Yoichiro Ushioda, expressed his intention to resign as a director at the end of the last Board of Directors meeting (scheduled to be held on May 20, 2019) prior to the ordinary general shareholders meeting scheduled to be held in June 2019 (hereinafter "Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting"). In addition, director Hirokazu Yamanashi stated his intention to retire from the directorship after his current term of office expires at the end of the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting, and not to consent to a subsequent re-appointment as director. At this point in time, Mr. Ushioda and Mr. Yamanashi have not indicated their intention to resign or retire from their positions as Representative Executive Officer, Chairman and CEO with respect to Mr. Ushioda, and as Representative Executive Officer, President and COO with respect to Mr. Yamanashi.