(Jan 8th, 20154, Taipei News) Lite-On Semiconductor Corp. (Twn Stock code : 5305) self consolidated December sales amounted to NTD 747 Million ,  a 1% declined on a MoM basis, and flat on a YoY basis. The accumulated sales for the past 12 months still enjoyed a 6% growth on a YoY basis.

The December Discrete sales slowed, declined 3% and 5% respectively on a MoM and YoY basis.  The accumulated sales for the 4th quarter still enjoyed a 1% growth compared to the previous year and the total sales of 2014 enjoyed a 9% growth on a YoY basis for Discrete products.  IC products enjoyed a slight 1% MoM growth, mainly driven by the DC/DC product sales and its full year revenue grew about 8% on a YoY basis.  Modular System full year was down 5% YoY due to the withdrawal from the LED power module business, it was a good move as losses was also largely reduced.  6 inch fab product 2014 full year sales declined 11% on a YoY basis, but losses also reduced due to a better cost management and an improvement in its production process..

The shipment of new Mini GPP Bridge for Mobile device released last year only grew slightly compared to the previous year.  However, the series of GPP Bridge by LSC were unique in the present market, can best meet the demand of large screen smart phones and Quick Charging for Mobile Devices, and thereby LSC is optimistic about its growth in year 2015.  LSC successfully released our new secondary power management and power bank applied DC/DC IC at the end of 2014, some products started shipment in small quantity and some were qualified by target customers and shipment volume is expected to double in 2015.

LSC Sales Distribution for Dec & Q4
Dec 12月份 營收比重 年增率 月增率
Year 2014 Sales distribution YoY MoM
Discrete分離式元件 48% -5% -3%
IC Products IC產品 37% 10% 1%
Modular System系統模組 10% -10% 0%
Foundry 晶圓產品 5% 9% -5%
Revenue 營收 (NTD Million) 747 0% -1%

Q4營收比重 年增率 季增率
Year 2014 Sales distribution YoY QoQ
Discrete分離式元件 52% 1% -19%
IC Products IC產品 34% 1% -2%
Modular System系統模組 10% -11% -13%
Foundry 晶圓產品 4% -1% 12%
Revenue 營收 (NTD Million) 2327 0% -12%

NB : 1. The 4th quarter sales was self consolidated.

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