Leshi Internet Information & Technology Corp/Beijing announced its brand new LeUI, which allows users to seamlessly connect Letv products such as cars, smart phones and smart TVs to a single network. Letv also announced the Lite Edition of the LeOS for Auto, which operates a UI system tailor-made for the Letv electric car. With a sidebar design and an easy-to-use interface, this Lite Edition will consist of a ROM version for Tablets and an APP version for Smart Phones.

The ROM version will be ready on 3 February 2015. LeOS for Auto consists of various exciting features including: Voice Control Operating System - LeOS for Auto is equipped with a cutting-edge voice control operating system. Apart from automatic navigation, it also supports streaming music online.

With a simple command, the system will automatically search for music online and play â “ transforming ones car into a personal assistant for driving and entertainment. Touch and Motion Control - With LeOS for Auto, the user can make a series of commands either with a simple touch or motion gestures, greatly reducing the inherent distractions experienced whilst operating a screen, thus enabling a safer journey. The user can pick up a call by raising a hand or pointing a finger down to end a call.

With the LeOS for Auto, drivers can also control temperature, sound and seating positions with other body gestures. Automatic Navigation - LeOS for Auto is the first user interface that has incorporated automatic navigation. This feature will allow drivers to receive instant updates on traffic situations through the internet, which will greatly reduce the travel time during congested hours.

Interactive Group and Instant Communication - With this special feature, LeOS for Auto can indicate the location and other information of friends on the screen through its cloud system. It also supports instant communications between the friends for easy contact. Ultimate Entertainment Experience in Car - Through Lecloud, LeOS for Auto provides drivers with the best in car entertainment.

Apart from online music streaming, it also supports online radio and over 5,000 movies and 100,000 drama episodes from company website. Internet-linked Service in Car - As an internet-linked car ecosystem, LeOS for Auto not only provides the best in car entertainment, but also provides users with the ultimate Internet-linked Car Service. Users can easily check on services including car repairs, rentals and management.

It also provides access to the car manufacturer, insurance details, rescue information and more. Users can also make reservations for car maintenance, inquiries on illegal offenses, car status, and more. Furthermore, instant information on the car's status can be accessed through ones smart phone or smart TV using the Lite Edition.