Leopard Lake Gold Corp. announced the appointment of Mr. George A. Brown as Chief Executive Officer, replacing Robert Coltura. Mr. Brown has over forty years of experience in mineral exploration including several senior administrative and director roles.

Mr. Brown holds an Honours Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Bishop's University in Quebec. Mr. Brown speaks fluent French and English. Mr. Brown is currently a Director of Terreno Resources Corp., and was a Director of Maverix Metals Inc. (formerly MacMillan Minerals Inc.).

As President of MacMillan Minerals Inc., Mr.Brown completed a transaction with Pan American Silver which saw all of the gold royalties held by Pan American vended into MacMillan to form theroyalty company Maverix Metals Inc. Mr. Brown has also been the Controller of Cullaton Lake Gold Mines as operators of a 350 tpd gold deposit in Nunavut (formerly in the NWT). The Company would like to thank Mr. Robert Coltura for his past service as CEO and President.