Legend Mining Limited announced final assay results from all three diamond drillholes (RKDD005-007) and significant observations from a structural report by Model Earth PL concerning the RKDD007 drill core from Mawson Prospect, Fraser Range, Western Australia. Final assay results for all remaining diamond drill core samples have been received from drillholes RKDD005-007 and structural logging of RKDD007 has been completed at Mawson. RKDD007 Results: The new results from RKDD007 now provide full assay coverage for the entire 70.15m sulphide bearing interval, returning an intersection of 70.15m @ 0.52% Ni, 0.36% Cu, 0.03% Co from 88.2m. This 70.15m intersection includes the halo of disseminated sulphide above and below the previously reported significant nickel-copper-cobalt interval of 14.9m @ 1.07% Ni, 0.75% Cu, 0.06% Co from 114m, including 2.1m @ 2.03% Ni, 1.34% Cu, 0.11% Co from 115.5m. Summarises the 70.15m sulphide intersection and provides a breakdown with respect to four distinct sulphide zones, namely the upper disseminated, the 14.9m main sulphide zone, the 2.1m high grade interval, and the lower disseminated zone. Individual sample results from the upper and lower disseminated zones returned consistently anomalous Ni-Cu values with nickel ranging between 0.1-0.74% and copper between 0.06-0.59%. This highlights the significant amount of Ni-Cu sulphide distributed throughout the entire 70.15m interval, along with higher sulphide concentrations occurring in the 14.9m main zone. Examples of sulphide textures/occurrence are presented in Photos 1-5 and include; disseminated, semi-massive breccia, massive, extension vein and net-textured. RKDD005-006 Results: Assay results from RKDD005 associated with logged disseminated and blebby sulphides in gabbronorite returned an elevated intersection of 2.5m @ 0.05% Ni, 0.10% Cu, 0.01% Co from 110.5m. No significant assay results were returned from RKDD006. RKDD007 - Structural Assessment: Legend commissioned Jon Standing, Director of Model Earth PL to undertake a structural assessment of the pyrrhotite-chalcopyrite-pentlandite sulphide mineralization and host rocks in drillhole RKDD007, with the ultimate aim of assisting future drillhole planning. The drill core logging focussed on the sulphide-bearing interval and underlying met sediments (68.3-201m) with the key findings summarised below. The sulphide mineralization is hosted within the upper mafic/ultramafic intrusion, which overlies a moderate west dipping metasedimentary unit and a lower mafic/ultramafic intrusion. The upper intrusion comprises two cycles of gabbronorite-olivine websterite with the higher Mg rocks at the base of each cycle. The main sulphide interval is hosted in gabbronorite. Sulphide veins are semi-massive to breccia textured with silicate melt textures, indicating sulphide melt rather than solid-state remobilisation. Net-textured sulphides were observed in olivine websterite host rocks at Mawson. These are considered important textures as they are indicative of sulphide-bearing magma conduits (Barnes et al., 2017) and are observed at Nova-Bollinger (Taranovic et al., 2019). The logging confirmed the presence of pyrrhotite-chalcopyrite-pentlandite loop textures as previously reported by microXRF analysis. Structural observations indicate that the sulphide veins are near optimally oriented to core axis indicating the drillhole cross cuts mineralization rather than drilling down dip. Future Activities: · Develop a 3D model for Mawson integrating a full interpretation of drilling, geological, geochemical and geophysical data. Infill aircore drilling at nominal 200m x 200m to define the extent of anomalous Ni-Cu-Co aircore footprint around mineralization in RKDD007 and aircore holes RKAC151 and 183. Infill aircore at 200m x 200m spacing around previous aircore drilling with anomalous Ni-Cu geochemistry over wider Mawson region. Diamond drilling follow up aimed at defining the extent of nickel-copper mineralization.