Learning Tree International (NASDAQ NGM: LTRE) has announced the introduction of a new course entitled Developing Your Leadership Voice: Achieving Presence and Impact. Effective leaders build credibility and trust that encourage others to follow their lead. They do this with authentic communication, conveying a consistent view of who they are, what they stand for and what they want. In this three-day course, with guidance from our expert instructors, attendees develop an authentic leadership voice and the confidence to lead in daily situations and during difficult conversations.

This course provides the hands-on skills attendees can use to create and apply their own personalized communication style. Students will learn how to:

  • Apply an outcome-focused communications model to become more strategic in the approach to leadership communications
  • Build trust and foster the engagement of others by being consistent and explicit with a leadership voice
  • Gain the buy-in of others and motivate them to achieve desired outcomes
  • Create a clear vision and objectives to sustain employees during difficult situations
  • Practice self-presentation tactics for a variety of communication situations, including vocal, listening, emotional intelligence, nonverbal and others

?Anyone can create a vision or have ideas for improving situations, but without the ability to resonate with people and generate the buy-in of others, progress can be difficult,? explained Jennifer Urick, Vice President of Product Development for Learning Tree International. ?This course delivers the tools to help our students communicate clearly, consistently and with authenticity.?

Attendees have three ways to attend this course:

1. Learning Tree will begin presenting Developing Your Leadership Voice at its Education Centers in January 2011.

The current schedule includes the following:


Washington, DC (Reston, VA) ? January 19-21

Ottawa, ON ? February 16-18

Toronto, ON ? March 2-4

New York, NY ? March 9-11

Washington, DC (Rockville, MD) ? March 16-18


This schedule is subject to change.

2. This course can also be attended via Learning Tree AnyWare??our live, online instructor-led training platform that allows attendees to join this course from their home or office.

3. Developing Your Leadership Voice can also be delivered on site at a client facility as a private, customized event.

For further information and the latest course dates and locations, call 1-800-THE-TREE (1-800-843-8733) or visit http://www.learningtree.com/3405.

Developing Your Leadership Voice is valuable for anyone interested in improving their leadership communication skills. Experienced managers, new managers, and those looking to become managers will find useful information throughout this course that will improve their communication skills as a leader and manager.

Developing Your Leadership Voice is part of the Learning Tree Leadership curriculum. As such, it is one of several effective courses taken to improve personal effectiveness in the workplace, including:

  • Emotional Intelligence: Achieving Leadership Success
  • Communication Skills: Results Through Collaboration
  • Influence Skills: Getting Results Without Direct Authority
  • Assertiveness Skills: Communicating with Authority and Impact
  • Leadership Skills: Building Success Through Teamwork

About Learning Tree International

Learning Tree International is a leading global provider of highly effective hands-on training to managers and information technology professionals. Since 1974, over 65,000 organizations have relied on Learning Tree to enhance the professional skills of more than 2 million employees. Learning Tree develops, markets and delivers a broad, proprietary library of instructor-led courses focused on people and project management, leadership and business skills, Web development, operating systems, databases, networking, IT security and software development. Courses are presented at Learning Tree Education Centers, located globally, on site at client facilities, and are available via Learning Tree AnyWare? (patent pending), our proprietary live, online instructor-led training delivery option that connects online participants to actual classrooms. For more information about our products and services, call 1-888-THE-TREE (1-888-843-8733), visit www.learningtree.com, follow @LearningTree on Twitter or visit Learning Tree International's Facebook fan page.

Learning Tree International
Jackie Davey, (703) 925-5585
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