La Opala RG Limited at its board meeting held on July 6, 2024 approved the proposal for Suspension of Operations of its Opal Glass Plant at Madhupur, Jharkhand. The Company used to manufacture Opal Glassware at its Madhupur Plant, Deoghar District, Jharkhand 815353. The plant was set up in the year 1987.

Due to ageing of the plant, outdated machinery, and obsolete semiautomatic technology, leading to lower efficiency, higher production costs, and reduced customer demand, hence it is not viable to run the plant any further. In view of the same, the Company has decided to Suspend the Operations of its Opal Glass Plant at Madhupur with effect from 7th July 2024. The Company's Management will explore various options for utilisation of the Land Parcel, Buildings and Plant and Machinery in the best interest of the Company.

It is pertinent to mention here, that the said Suspension of Operations, does not have any material and adverse effect on operations of the Company, since the excess capacity at Sitarganj plant will be able to absorb the market demand and there will be no loss in turnover and consequent financial impact. Amount & percentage of turnover or revenue or income and net worth of the listed entity contributed by such unit or division during the last financial year: INR 3.679 million and 10.07% of turnover and 5.36% of Networth.