Preliminary information on 2016 financial year

Order intake and revenues at a high level

In the 2016 financial year, the Komax Group generated an order intake of CHF 370.2 million, thereby surpassing the previous year's result of CHF 348.4 million by 6.3%. Revenues also recorded a significant rise of approximately 18% to around CHF 370 million. As a result of the sale of Komax Medtech during 2016, the contribution of this business unit is no longer reflected in the financial figures; the prior-year figures have been adjusted accordingly. The Group's annual financial statements and Annual Report will be published at the media conference and analysts' presentation to be held on 21 March 2017.

At CHF 195.9 million, the order intake in the second half of 2016 was significantly higher than in the first half of the year (CHF 174.4 million). This was above all attributable to the fact that clients had already triggered a number of orders for the first half of 2016 at the end of 2015. Revenues grew more strongly in the second half of 2016 than the first half.

Thanks to the acquisitions effected in 2016 (Thonauer Group, SLE Electronics USA, Ondal Tape Processing and Kabatec), Komax has taken a further step towards being able to offer its clients the entire spectrum of solutions along the value chain. This expansion of the product offering had an impact on both the figures and the cost situation.

The dynamism evident in the automotive industry, which is the main sales market of the Komax Group, persisted in the 2016 financial year and is expected to continue in 2017. Both the ongoing rise in the number of vehicles produced and the ever-increasing number of wires requiring processing in individual vehicles are positive trends for Komax. Furthermore, the pressure on wire-processing companies to drive forward automation of their processes is increasing, which puts Komax in a strong position with its broad and innovative spectrum of solutions.

Media Release (PDF)

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