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Reference is made to the announcement (the "Announcement") dated 31 December 2012 and
issued by Kingboard Laminates Holdings Limited (the "Company"). Capitalised terms used in this announcement shall have the same meanings as those defined in the Announcement unless the context requires otherwise.
The Board is pleased to announce that the Land Transfer Contract dated 4 January 2013 has been entered into between Kunshan Land Resources Bureau and Jiang Yin Guo Rui for the acquisition by Jiang Yin Guo Rui of the land use right to the Land.


The principal terms of the Land Transfer Contract are as follows:


4 January 2013


(1) Kunshan Land Resources Bureau, as transferor
(2) Jiang Yin Guo Rui, as transferee

Subject Matter

The land use right to the Land
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Site Area and Gross Floor Area

The Land has a site area of 146,039.8 m 2 . The Land is permitted for commercial and residential use, with a total gross floor area of approximately 360,000 m2. The gross floor area for commercial use shall not exceed 10% of the total gross floor area.


40 years with respect to the portion for commercial use and 70 years with respect to the portion for residential use, both commencing from the date on which the Land is to be delivered to Jiang Yin Guo Rui in accordance with the Land Transfer Contract.

Land Transfer Price

The Land Transfer Price is approximately RMB690.77 million, of which a sum of RMB110 million was already paid to Kunshan Land Resources Bureau on 21 December 2012 as deposit and has been applied as part payment of the Land Transfer Price. The balance of approximately RMB580.77 million shall be paid on or before 4 February 2013.

Land Uses

The Land is permitted for commercial and residential use.

Delivery of Land

Kunshan Land Resources Bureau shall deliver the Land to Jiang Yin Guo Rui in clear condition on or before 4 April 2013.

Construction Timetable

The construction on the Land shall commence by 4 October 2013 and be completed by 4 April


The Directors are of the view that the terms of the Land Transfer Contract are fair and reasonable and the entering into of the Land Transfer Contract is in the interests of the Company and its shareholders as a whole.
Hong Kong, 15 January 2013
By Order of the Board

Kingboard Laminates Holdings Limited Cheung Kwok Wa


As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises Messrs. Cheung Kwok Wa, Cheung Kwok Keung, Cheung Kwok Ping, Lam Ka Po, Cheung Ka Ho, Liu Min and Zhou Pei Feng, being the executive Directors, Mr. Lo Ka Leong, being the non-executive Director, and Messrs. Chan Yue Kwong, Michael, Leung Tai Chiu, Mok Yiu Keung, Peter and Ip Shu Kwan, Stephen, being the independent non-executive Directors.

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